Ultimate Cheerleaders

NFL Week #8 – Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders

It was a cold and rainy Sunday in Baltimore, but that didn’t stop the Ravens Cheerleaders from putting on the NFL’s number one outside the stadium Cheerleading Show.


Here are Megan and Michelle sporting the ball cap look. It may not be glamorous, but I think it comes off as cute.

The stunters performed on the hard pavement of Unitas Plaza. Michelle told me that pre-game rehearsal was in the tunnel on the concrete, as the Cheerleaders weren’t able to go out on the turf. And yes the ladies wore caps on the field, even while stunting, which brought up one problem.


The tendency of the caps to fly off when the Cheerleader is tossed in the air!


The guys were exempt from the caps.


Former Cheerleader now Cheerleader coach Molly Shattuck trying to keep dry.


Cassandra and Leslie out on Ravens Walk.

[Ravens Cheerleaders Gallery]

[Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent