Ultimate Cheerleaders


Cheerleader Serendipity

The Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders visit the Charger Girls.

Desiree Jennings: A Flu Shot Gone Wrong

desireeAn interview with AOL Health

Columbus Crewzers Auditions

crewsmallTryouts are December 4-6!

NFL Week #8 – The Buffalo Jills

jillssmallPhil’s Photos

SI Gallery Update

2009_si_bbc_1thumbNew NFL cheerleader coverages!

More on the Sea Gals

2009-sea-gals_640Check out the team photo

NFL Cheerleader Ambassador Disabled by 2009 Flu Shot On Road to Recovery

desireeA Desiree Jennings Update

Lady Greenhawk Dance Team Auditions

greenhawksTryouts are Saturday, November 14th!

NFL.com gallery update

2009nfl_cowboys2thumbNew photos from the field.

Luvabulls Poster Shoot

luvsmallLuvabulls Season Tipoff Party is Friday night.