Ultimate Cheerleaders

Houston Cardinals Red Diamonds Auditions


For the 2010-2011 season The Director of the Red Diamonds is also recruiting Cheerleaders/Dancers for a National Reality Football League.

In addition to becoming a RED DIAMOND, you will also have the opportunity to earn your spot on a NRFL (National Reality Footbal League) Dance/Cheer Squad.

The NRFL Squad will have a chance to travel to Las Vegas to dance and cheer for National Reality Football team.

Additional information for the NRFL Dance/Cheer Squad will be issued at The RED DIAMONDS Auditions on August 7, 2010

[Houston Cardinals Red Diamonds]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

One thought on "Houston Cardinals Red Diamonds Auditions"

  1. Brittany says:

    How many people are going to be there?

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