Ultimate Cheerleaders

The Eagles Cheerleaders and UBB Tackle Delaware River Trash

United By Blue
Brian, July 7, 2010
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Only if every UBB cleanup was this beautiful.

On July 6, we teamed up with the entire cheerleading squad of the Philadelphia Eagles to remove 627 pounds of trash from the Delaware River outside of Philadelphia.

Stereotypes don’t apply to these girls. They ROCKED! I mean, they could even out lift Mike.

We first got hooked up with the Eagles’ squad when they were on their way to Mexico for their swimsuit calendar photo shoot. The theme of their calendar this year is “Saving The Oceans” and their Director had found UBB online and purchased a bracelet to feature in one of the pictures (look for us in October’s pic). As we don’t have our address on the website, I assumed they did not even know we were Philly based when deciding to feature us…a coincidence that could not be ignored! So, as a I called them and told them where we are located and more about our work and ways we could work together.

For our joint cleanup effort we had a little more fun than usual. Not only did we drum up some great press and exposure for our cause, we hosted a “Trash Blitz” competition where the girls competed for 15 minutes in a fast paced cleanup competition to see which group of 5 could collect the most.

Congratulations to the Purple Team!

The overall amount of trash that was collected during this cleanup was shocking. Looking at the riverbank I did not think that there was that much trash out there, but the Cheerleaders proved me wrong and amassed a pile weighing in at 627 pounds. Not bad for an hour and a half of work!

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