Ultimate Cheerleaders

Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleader Angie Featured in New Fila Ad

The original video has been pulled down, but you can see Angie in the same video here:
and here’s another one:

[Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleaders]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

One thought on "Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleader Angie Featured in New Fila Ad"

  1. Jess says:

    I’m the producer for the commercial. Sorry, but I had to pull the video. It is for an assignment for Fila over at PopTent.com. Fila has not purchased the video yet, so I am pulling it off Vimeo.

    You can see Angie in the same video here:
    and here’s another one:

    Sorry for the trouble.

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