Ultimate Cheerleaders

Vikings Cheerleader Alumni Are Still in the Game

mvc-ateam-2010Vikings.com: The A*Team (alumni team) is a team comprised of twenty-one amazing women who have cheered for the Minnesota Vikings between the years of 1985 and 2005. Eight of the twenty-one women have been a part of the team from the very beginning four years ago, and sixteen of these twenty-one have been with the team for the last three seasons. The women enjoy dancing with the A*Team because it allows them to continue their passion for performing, keep in touch with friends, and stay connected with a world class organization.

The A*Team practices every Tuesday to learn and perfect routines, which can be seen at all the Vikings home games on the plaza. However, the plaza isn’t the only place you can watch the A*Team in action! You can also find them in the end zone on November 7th when they perform with us, the current Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders, as well as at the MOA for our Holiday show on November 10th!

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