Ultimate Cheerleaders

Monday Morning Cheerleader: Serena of the Ravens

By Shawn Donnelly

After Baltimore beat the Super Bowl champs, a gorgeous Ravenette breaks down the game, the end of Brett Favre, the problem with Steelers fans, the miracle at the Meadowlands, and why Tony Romo isn’t her type.

Week Fifteen in the NFL delivered one of the most jaw-dropping comebacks in NFL history, a scare for the Patriots in Foxborough against a backup Packer, and some much-needed confidence for Mark Sanchez and the Jets. Meanwhile, one of the best teams in the league knocked off the defending Super Bowl champions, as the Ravens used 39 rushing attempts — without a turnover — and a late interception of their own to earn a statement win, 30-24, and snap a six-game winning streak for the Saints.

Perhaps this team is slowly becoming as well-rounded and determined as its second-year cheerleader Serena. The half-Italian, half-Chinese dance instructor speaks no fewer than five languages, and when she’s not studying to become a dental hygienist (“I figure there will always be a need for dental hygienists”), she’s helping out at her father’s restaurant. She’s also completely fluent in football.

ESQUIRE: On the Ravens Web site, you list Ray Rice as your favorite player. The guy finished with 233 total yards and two TDs yesterday. You must be a happy camper.

SERENA: Ray Rice was a fireball. I was literally jumping up and down every time he did something. Which was often.

ESQ: Your QB seemed pretty fired up, too, yelling at the refs as he threw for 172 yards and two touchdowns. Is this a new Joe Flacco?

SER: He’s expressing more emotion this year and being more vocal. Even at the end of the game yesterday, he was trying to convince the coaches to go for it on fourth down. He’s really stepping out of his shell. We kind of hear him more on the sidelines. Which I think is good.

ESQ: Your Ravens are now 10-4 with their final two regular season games against the lowly Browns and Bengals. You booking your tickets to Dallas yet?

SER: We’re making the playoffs, for sure. And I honestly think they could go all the way. All the games that they’ve lost, they could have easily won. A lot of games this season, we’ve looked like a totally different team in the second half. In a bad way. But hopefully we’ve corrected that.

ESQ: Excluding the Ravens for a second, who do you see in the Super Bowl?

SER: I’m thinking the Patriots. I also kind of like the Saints and Drew Brees. As long as the Steelers aren’t there, I think I’ll be happy.

ESQ: Why not the Steelers?

SER: I just find that their fans are so rude. It’s like, you have to be respectful of other teams. You don’t have to talk trash all the time.

ESQ: What was your reaction to seeing the Eagles score four touchdowns in the last seven minutes to beat the Giants?

SER: I was shocked. That must feel pretty bad if you’re the Giants. It just goes to show, you have to keep playing — you can’t let up.

ESQ: What did you think of the way DeSean Jackson teasingly ran along the goal line before heading into the end zone on his game-winning punt return? Style points, or inappropriate?

SER: I’m a big fan of touchdown dances. I find them entertaining. But to do something on your way in, before you score, and be like, “Oh, oh, do you see what I’m doing? I’m totally going in your end zone right now…” I don’t think that’s right. I don’t think that you should rub it in the face of the other team like that.

ESQ: Best bird team — Ravens, Eagles, or Falcons?

SER: Ravens. Ravens, Ravens, Ravens. Hundred percent.

ESQ: This week’s Monday-nighter game pits the Bears against the Vikings in Minneapolis — outdoors. And Brett Favre won’t be playing for the Vikings. Do you think we’ve seen the last of the silver fox?

SER: I don’t think he’s ready to finish quite yet. He’s not a quitter. As long as he can physically go, I think he’ll play at least one more game. He hasn’t quit his whole career, so I don’t see why he would start now.

ESQ: So who do you got in tonight’s game?

SER: I’m going to say Vikings. I know they’re starting their third-string quarterback, but — who knows? — maybe he’s their secret weapon.

ESQ: Okay, now to the biggest news of the week. Were you saddened to hear that Tony Romo is now off the market?

SER: Romo is a great football player, but he’s not really my type. I’m not jealous by any means. I’m happy for him.

ESQ: So if leading the Cowboys doesn’t impress you, what does?

SER: Confidence is important, but not overconfidence. He needs to be modest. And I think in the long run, someone that’s funny is the best.

[Serena at Ravens.com]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent