Ultimate Cheerleaders

Tennessee Titans Auditions Set for May 15th

At long last, the Titans Cheerleaders have posted their 2011 audition dates! Woohoo! Get ready, Nashville girls.

Preliminaries: Sunday, May 15 at Baptist Sports Park, 1:00pm
Final Event: Tuesday, May 31 at The Wildhorse Saloon, 7:00pm

Click here for registration materials and additional details.

(Titans Online) Do you want to have the best front row seat possible for every Titans home football game in 2011? Start your journey toward what could be the experience of a lifetime as a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader!

In addition to performing on the field and sidelines at every home Titans game, Titans Cheerleaders have appeared on The Oprah Show, The Dr. Oz Show, and performed at the annual Acoustic Christmas concert. They have been a part of the CMT Awards and performed at the CMA Music Fest. The Cheerleaders appear at over 200 events in Middle Tennessee annually.

Additionally, Titans Cheerleaders travel all over the country each year to visit our nation’s troops and to appear at major corporate conventions. The ladies have been as far as Las Vegas, Washington State, Mexico City, Mexico, Hawaii, and Korea in their work as Titans Cheerleaders. The Titans Cheerleading experience is like nothing else, and we are looking for the most talented women to join the team in 2011!

* Must be 18 years of age by April 15 and a high school graduate by May 30, 2011
* Dance experience recommended
* Available to travel to Florida for annual swimsuit calendar shoot in June, July or August 2011
* Available for rehearsal through the summer and available for all 2011 home Titans games

VIDEO: Watch the 2010 Titans Cheerleading Final Auditions

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