Ultimate Cheerleaders

Eagles Cheerleader Rookie Blog: Jamielee

I’m officially a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader!
by Jaimelee

Hi Eagles fans!

My name is Jamielee and this is my first year on the squad as a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader!!! This has always been a dream of mine, my hard work and dedication has finally paid off! I am proud of myself that I made this team on my first try. I can’t explain how excited I am to be apart of the Philadelphia Eagles organization.

I would like to share my entire audition process with you! Okay here we go…….

Well one day after work in the morning, I wanted to go home and take a nap because it was a rainy day and I was feeling sleepy. I got home, sat on the recliner chair in the living room and tried falling asleep. I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable but I couldn’t. I laid there in the recliner, closed my eyes and something popped into my head. Philadelphia Eagles Auditions! It was a random thought because I wasn’t thinking anything about the Eagles. So I quickly went online on my phone and googled 2011 Philadelphia Eagles Auditions. There were two workshops: a mock workshop and a dance workshop. These workshops were not mandatory in the audition process but were great for experience. I was reading through all of the information about both workshops and was very interested but then I saw the date and realized that it was the next day! Thoughts were going through my head like “Oh no, I have to work tomorrow and its too late to request off . I won’t be able to make it.” The mock audition workshop this year gave us the opportunity to learn the audition dance prior to open call auditions, so I was really stressing about work because I really wanted to take advantage of learning the dance for open call. In the end, my supervisor understood that I really wanted to be a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader and let me have the day off! I attended both workshops and was ready for open call auditions.

I parked in front of the Lincoln Financial Field, took a deep breath and walked inside for open call auditions. Walking into the room for open call was very intimidating because there were hundreds of beautiful girls that were there for a spot on the squad. Being taught the open call dance at the workshop was extremely helpful!!! While Suzy, the choreographer was teaching the dance to the women who didn’t know the dance, it allowed me to get more practice for the dance and gave me more time to put my personality into the routine. There were two cuts that day and waiting to hear you number is probably the most nerve racking thing, not performing the dance in front of the judges. Sitting there waiting for my number to be called for both cuts made my heart pump so fast. Every time the announcer said a number, I crossed my fingers hoping he would call mine. My number was called for both cuts, I gave a huge sigh in relief. I was so happy I was going to semi finals!

Semi Finals were held at the Nova Care complex. At this point, I’m extremely nervous! I thought this was a crucial part of the audition because this was part of the audition that you needed to show everything you got to proceed to finals. For semi finals we tried out in groups of three. I was a little mad at myself after my audition because I did mess up one part of the dance but I didn’t just stand there and not do the rest of the dance, I smiled and came back in to finish the dance. When you forget a step or mess up a part of any dance you need to look confident, not look obvious that you messed up. To find out if you advanced, you had to call a hotline to see if you were going to finals. I remember how happy I was when I heard my name on the hotline! I couldn’t believe I was going to final auditions, I was more more step closer in being a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader!! Time to work out, eat healthy and practice, practice, practice!

I thought that final auditions went by so quickly. I got to spend time with the other ladies auditioning and the vets who were on the team previous years. In my dressing room there was about 15 women who had to share a small space to change outfits, put on make up and touch up their hair. Everyone was so nice, we all were helping each other with either straightening or curling hair and applying make up. When we had some down time we would introduce ourselves to each other and practice answering interview questions for the interview part of the audition. My mom, dad, aunt, former dance coach, and 2 fomer team mates I used to dance with came to support me at final auditions. I also had a lot of friends and family watch the finals on the eagles website live. After final auditions were over, I just wanted to lay in my bed and sleep! I woke up early the following morning becuase I was so anxious and very nervous I couldnt lay down any longer. So I went to the bagelry in my area to get breakfast for my mom and I. I pulled up to drive through and I was told to please hold. So I waited in my car patiently, going through songs on my cd and my cell phone goes off. It was an email notification. I opened my gmail and read the words ” CONGRATULATIONS 2011 PHILADELPHIA EAGLES CHEERLEADER.” I was speechless! As soon as I was done reading those words the lady at the drive thru goes” What can I get you?” I was so in shock that I didn’t even remember what I was getting there. I ordered our breakfast & while waiting in line, I called everyone in my family. When I told my mom she started crying, which made cry. So when I pulled up to the window to get the food, I was covered in tears of joy and said thank you while wiping my tears away. I just want to thank everyone in my life that has supported me though out this whole process especially my family! If it wasn’t for all the positive support and believing in me everyday, I don’t think I would of believed in myself as much as I should have without you!! I’m so thankful to be apart of the 2011 Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader!

Wow, Im exhausted typing all this. I really hope you enjoyed reading my first Eagles blog! There will be plenty more to come about my first eagles trading card photo shoot, a typical day, my family, and planning my graduation party!!! Cant wait!



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