Ultimate Cheerleaders

Patriots cheerleaders at 2012 calendar signing

Boston.com: The New England Patriots cheerleaders hosted an unveiling party for the 2012 swimsuit calendar featuring the dancers. The event took place at the Paris Lounge in Ned Devine’s on Sept. 15.

Patriots cheerleader Athena Lazo signed her calendar photo for Francis Sullivan of Windsor, Conn., at the event.

Stephanie Petronelli signed her photo for Lee Marques of Fall River during the unveiling party.

Petronelli also signed an autograph for Matt Berthiaume of Nashua, N.H.

Patriots cheerleaders mingled with fans at the signing.

Dana Nessen of Easton paid close attention as cheerleader Ali Sova signed her page.

Amanda Soucy signed a photo and chatted with Eric Sontos of Dartmouth.

Amber Smith smiled as she signed MaryAnn Caldeira’s copy of the calendar.

Brianna Munoz chatted with Corey Descheneaux as he presented his calendar.

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One thought on "Patriots cheerleaders at 2012 calendar signing"

  1. charles says:

    they had a good time signing claendars and it was nice thing.

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