Ultimate Cheerleaders

Bucs Cheerleader Spotlight

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleader Spotlight shines on Ashley Jarocki this week.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleader Spotlight shines on Ashley Jarocki this week.

Line captain Ashley is a 5-year vet who cheered for the Tampa Bay Lightning and Storm before joining the TBBC squad in 2007

Line captain Ashley is a 5-year vet who cheered for the Tampa Bay Lightning and Storm before joining the TBBC squad in 2007

 Ashley's community project with her line teammates this year is working with "The Miracle League" charity, a baseball league created specially for special needs children.

Ashley's community project with her line teammates this year is working with "The Miracle League" charity, a baseball league created specially for special needs children.

Ashley has a International Business degree from USF.

Ashley has a International Business degree from USF.

Her Quote: "I love to travel and learn about other cultures which is why one of my bigger goals is to become an ambassador of the United States".

Her Quote: "I love to travel and learn about other cultures which is why one of my bigger goals is to become an ambassador of the United States".

[Ashley’s Spotlight Gallery]

About the Author

Jackson, Florida Correspondent