Ultimate Cheerleaders

MVC Program Preps Candidates for Next Year’s Auditions

MVC Training Program
By Brittni
November 2, 2011

In the Vikings organization there are many members of our family, each of which serves a very special purpose! Today I would like to introduce you to a great part of our multidimensional community. They are the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders Training Program! We refer to them affectionately as the “TP.” The TP is a select group of high potential women that really stood out at auditions.

They are headed by two amazing alumni of the MVC, Beth and Erin. Both have been a huge part of the MVC family from the moment they auditioned and will continue to be for as long as we are around! Each MVC looks up to them and every TP alum will forever be grateful to Beth and Erin for not only being integral in improving their dance/cheer abilities but also providing them with lifelong messages of encouragement and lessons in how to be a truly rounded individual. The skills learned on TP improve life even outside of making the MVC, Beth and Erin run a tight ship and make an everlasting impact on each and every girl to enter the TP!

The Training Program is an invite only group of talented women chosen from auditions. Each girl caught the eyes of the judges for a specific reason and is invited to participate on the Training Program to develop upon their strengths and improve upon any areas that may need developing. This year’s group is hard at work preparing for auditions in the spring. They are an extremely gifted group of individuals and are fabulously fun to watch!

Along with getting to dance at a game with the MVC (for the first time in TP history!) they will also be performing at our Holiday Show on November 21st. All of the MVC family will be show cased and the TP is sure to impress.

The MVC community is a true gift to be involved in! If you or anyone you know are considering trying out I highly encourage taking the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders Training Program into serious consideration. Speaking from personal expereince, it is the opportunity of a lifetime and may just get you that much closer to your ultimate goal of being an MVC!

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