Project DCC: Cowboys Cheerleaders Model Satin Stitches Styles at the NFL Directors Convention

A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader models Satin Stitches' example of a flirty sailor costume

Unveiling 25 new styles for cheer/dance. Amazing. Having them modeled by Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. Priceless!

At the recent NFL Cheerleader Director’s Convention at Cowboys Stadium, the fashion show included 25 new styles from Satin Stitches hitting the runway with the DCC as models. With no worries of labor strife hindering the next NFL season, 22 teams’ directors attended this convention, more than the past few years.

Deborah Nelson, Head Designer/President of Satin Stitches, reports that, “After a shortened season last year, when most cheer teams simply ‘made do’ with what they already had, with minimal, quick new orders, we are hopeful that most teams will have a budget for new uniforms this season.” As far as the latest trends in NFL cheerleading designs, Deborah reports, “Besides the ever popular low-rise shorts and skirts, the latest high-rise styling may start a resurgence, along with one-piece uniforms. Rhinestones remain a very important trim for most uniforms, and I expect even more to be used, this coming season. Retro looks could become more popular, as well as themed costumes for various team events. Branding will remain very important, with most every uniform piece displaying the team’s name or logo.”

This military inspired, custom team uniform design was popular with the NFL cheer directors

And the Satin Stitches designs that Deborah heard the most comments about included, “Our military two-piece received the most notice of all of our looks. Our attention to detail and use of Swarovski rhinestones was commented upon. We have just partnered with Swarovski Elements as a design company that showcases their brand of ‘glitz.’ We were able to give out a gift from Swarovski, in addition to our gift of a custom-designed make-up bag to each director.”

Melissa visits the DCC locker room

In addition, Deborah and her customer service representative Melissa, a former Vikings Cheerleader, had the opportunity to see the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders’ locker room, with a locker that featured the iconic DCC uniform. As a designer, what does Deborah think had made that DCC uniform “iconic” for 40 years? “The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have been very smart in keeping their ‘iconic’ look, with only slight updates from year to year, to keep it ‘current’ and ‘fresh,'” Deborah says. “Someone did a marvelous job with the original design, and insisting that it remain ‘the look’ for the cheer team, every year! It is their ‘brand,’ and branding is so important. It has become a classic!”

Deborah with the DCC uniform in their locker room

Here are some more photos of style show and the DCC wearing brand-new Satin Stitches designs:

Melissa at the Satin Stitches booth

About the Author

Dave, Midwest Correspondent