Ultimate Cheerleaders

Field Trip: Charger Girl prelims

I look forward to Charger Girl auditions every year. It’s one of the most fun things I get to do as part of this blog. Now, I realize the auditions are long over and every knows who made the team. So these photos are a little late. There are two reasons for that.

(1) I have yet to figure out how that frikkin yellow floor turns all of my photos yellow. But it takes forever to fix them.

(2) Charger Girl auditions are on a Sunday, so I don’t get to sit down to look at my photos until after work on Monday. Usually I open the folder, see how how many photos there are, and then close the folder and walk away, thinking there’s no way I’m going to be able to go through all those photos before finals. Even if I didn’t have a day job, there’s just no way. 5,000 photos. What was I thinking?

(3) I know said there were only two reasons, but I feel it’s only fair to add that I was horribly unwell last week, and spent most of the time in a Ny-Quil induced haze. (Some people call it “a cold.” Personally, I believe I was on the verge of death.)

So it took me a while, but I’ve narrowed it down to a couple hundred of the best. Click here to go to the gallery.

There was a buzz this year because only 13 veterans from 2012 were auditioning this year. While it’s a bummer to see so many veterans leave, that means a whole lotta room for newbies.

The 2011 returners
Top rowz: Starkesha, Kara, Anjelica, Katelyn, Ariel, Clarisse, Angela
Bottom row: Natalie, Lauren P, Lauren O, Tawnie, Alexis, Marissa

Alexis came back with red hair and literally had no idea who she was. (Last year she was blonde.)When I had all the veterans get together for a photo, there she was, right there in front. But Marissa was right there to her left and I figure she and I are good enough friends that she would tell me if this red-haired chick was an imposter. (Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time. Remember that flaky Salahi chick who crashed the White House dinner because she wanted to be on “Real Housewives of DC?” She used to show up at Redskins Cheerleader events and pretend she was an alum. What a nutball.)

Meanwhile, WOW. Alexis looks fan-freakin-tastic with that hair.

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, she looks completely stunning. On the other hand, that color is going to be a royal biatch to maintain (pardon my French.) And on the other other hand that means we’ve got THREE red haired veterans. Is that allowed? Hopefully this means Lauren P will get a break this year and can go back to her regular hair color.

CG Alumni Jessie, Ashley, Michelle, and Vanessa
As usual, there was a group of former Charger Girls on hand to help Lizzy (also a former Charger Girl) teach the audition routine.


The day started off with the usual warmups…

…and then Lizzy started teaching the dance. The music was Chris Brown’s “Turn Up the Music.”

Once the dancing starts, that’s my chance to get a good look at all of the dancers.

It’s so weird to me that some people will go to great lengths just to get a little attention. Then again, I’m an introvert, so it’s not like I can relate. This lady got on tv, which I guess is all she wanted. So: mission accomplished.

I spotted Amanda and Kylie from the 2010 team. They both came back better than ever, so there was little doubt they’d be back on the team this year. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to get into their business and find out where they’ve been for the past year.

There were also a few alumni from other teams:

Former Laker Girls Erica and Michelle

Alexa from New England Patriots, Jenna from the Mavs, and Jacqueline from LA Clippers

ChivaGirls Brittney, Emi, and Mika

There were lots of newbies in fighting form.

Trisha here, had a baby 6 months ago. (Or maybe it’s Tricia. I forgot to ask how she spells it.)

This is my friend Merria who I feel should have made it to finals, because she looked great and worked her tail off for months, but whatEVER. Even though I feel she was robbed, I’m not bitter. (Anymore)

This here is Allison. I don’t know her, but I liked her a lot. I really wanted to see her on the team this year, dangit! I thought for sure she had it this time around.

I liked this girl a lot too. Brianna is her name. I think.

Lots of flexibility on display

Adorable girl from Japan. I heard her say her name, but my understanding of Japanese is severly limited, so I have no idea what she said.

Sisters Angela and Alexis. First time I’ve seen them dressed exactly alike. Took a few minutes to sort them out.

Chelsea rocking the boots

If I could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to be on a pro dance team, it would be “For Pete’s sake, don’t get a tattoo!” They always show. Even if the makeup is perfect and the tattoo is invisible to the naked eye, these things have a way of showing up in photos.

This here is Andrea. I’ve seen her at these auditions a few times. I always remember that cute top. It’s about time they put her on the team. Congrats!

I noticed this girl straight away, because of her curly hair. This here is Meridith, and she did wound up making the team. But I’ll bet you anything this is the last time you see her like this. They’re never going to let her keep those curls. (I would like to go on record as objecting to this, on behalf of curly haired girls everywhere.)

The 2011s of course were looking great.

Anjelica with the flaming Tori Amos hair.

Loves me some Ariel. I don’t know how she drives from LA to San Diego three times a week for Chargers. I only had to do the commute twice, and I was over it after the first time.

I want so very badly to ask if Clarisse still hears the lambs, but I’m holding it in.

Kara always looks like she’s having a blast when she’s dancing.


Lauren O. always wears matching cuffs. I believe they are the source of her magical powers.

The ladies in Green: Lauren P. and Tawnie

Marissa is fixin to get hitched in a couple of months.

Starkesha works it out

I think 2012 will be Natalie’s 4th or 5th year as a Charger Girl. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that makes her the most senior vet on the team now.

Check out the rest of the photos here. Photos from finals will come later this week.

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