Should I stay or should I go? Step right up and cast your vote!
I am having a little dilemma, and can’t resolve it by flipping a coin, so I’m turning to you, friends, to help me decide what to do.
Here’s the deal: the San Diego Chargers Fan Fest in on Saturday.
Should I go?
First, a little background:
The last time I went to Fan Fest, it was a complete disaster. Some dude had told me I could get in early, but when got there, the stadium was locked up tight as a drum. Every single entrance was locked up tight until about 10 minutes before the event started. All I could do was wait…and wait…and wait… And circle the stadium over and over, trying to find an unlocked entrance. When they finally opened the door to the media office (2 hours later), and I asked for my credential, the guy behind the desk looked at me like I had two heads. And then I heard the music and realized the Charger Girls were already performing. I hightailed it inside, but missed half of it. And I was on the wrong side of the field, hence the side view of the action.
Exhibit A: Not the angle I was hoping for.

I was just about to give up and go home, when I remembered that I had Lacy’s cell phone number. I called her, feeling horrible for interrupting her when she was obviously busy, but I hoped at least part of this trip could be salvaged. I had no bars on my phone, and it kept cutting out, but after some back and forth, Lacy smuggled me down to the VIP tent. And then I felt even worse, because I didn’t know if she would get in trouble if I got busted. And that year I only knew a couple of girls on the team, so I kind of felt like a dumbass (pardon my French) just standing around, awkward as hell. I don’t know about you guys, but I am an introvert, and it was hard, hard, hard for me to get my courage up and start talking to people. (It’s still hard to this day.) I did get some good shots though. Eventually.
Exhibit B: There, but for the grace of Lacy, go I.

The previous year, my trip to Fan Fest was a even worse. One bummer after another. I left home at 5 am, which was a very bad idea. I fell asleep behind the wheel on the way, almost killing myself (and possibly others) on the Golden State Freeway. Once inside the stadium, I lost my footing and took a spill in the stands, ripped up my knee, and sprained an ankle. On top of that, the Chargers organization wouldn’t let anyone over 18 down to the plaza level, unless they were with a kid, so I couldn’t get close enough for decent photos. To add insult to injury, I went to the wrong side of the stadium (yes, again) and came away with tons of photos of the Charger Girls – from the back.
Exhibit C: Believe it or not, I did look at a stadium map the night before.
Perhaps I should have found one with the HOME and AWAY sides clearly marked.

And when the Charger Girls walked around the field, signing autographs, I yelled my head off, (which was absolutely mortifying) but nobody ever heard me and looked up. So I wound up shooting from above, resulting in nothing but cleavage shots. (Which may be fine with some of you, but not what I was going for, at all.)
Exhibit D: I repeat – NOT the angle I was hoping for.

I was sufficiently scarred by both experiences that I haven’t been back to Fan Fest in 3 years.
I’m not telling you this in order to gain your sympathy. I’m setting the stage, so you can understand the thought process going into this decision.
On the “Pro” side, I know many more of the girls on the team now. Most of them, I’ve never seen perform. I go to auditions every year, but I never get to see the finished product. Besides, this is probably my one shot for the year to see the Charger Girls do their thing. Plus I kind of feel like I need to redeem myself. Get back on the horse, so to speak. Maybe this time will be different. Maybe I’ll get some great shots and be SO glad I went.
On the “Con” side, obviously the Chargers Fan Fest and I do NOT get along. The first two times were a lesson. Going there a third time would surely invite disaster. There’s no way I would bother Lisa and Lacy with a request for credential. (Besides, I don’t think they have control over that kind of thing.) I fully expect the same situation where only kids are allowed down to the bottom level. Once again – a bunch of blurry distance shots. Do I really want to get up at the crack of whatever on a Saturday, and drive 260 miles (round trip) to catch a 90 second performance? The trip there goes fast. The trip back is 3-4 hours of congested freeway. 3 to 4 hours to sit in my car and stew about whatever went wrong.
If I go to Fan Fest and disaster strikes yet again, I might just lay down in the middle of the concourse and cry. And don’t think I wouldn’t. I’ve done it before (minus the laying down part.)
So I’m struggling to make a decision. Help me out, people. Should I stay or should I go?
Feel free to leave comments on this post if you have a strong opinion either way.