Ultimate Cheerleaders

From working at The Line Up to coaching her alma mater, Vikings Cheerleader Pam’s sparkly life is fully ensconced in dance

Imagine the life of an NFL cheerleader uniform. Starting out as a designer’s idea and an assorted collection of fabric and embellishments, the garment comes together to have a sense of flash while still even on the hanger. Still, it needs to be worn, to glitter and shine in performance on the sidelines, so it can really come to life when worn by an elite NFL cheerleader. When dancer and uniform unite, heads turn, eyes are captured, and Ultimate Cheerleaders are created.

Vikings Cheerleader Pam gets to see all of the stages of the life of cheer/dance apparel up close, and in a very personal way. By day, she works at The Line Up, the Minnesota-based company that designs and produces custom dance costumes, custom dancewear, and creative performance apparel, including the uniforms for the Vikings Cheerleaders. Then during Vikings home games, she brings the uniforms to life, giving them the chance to shine on Mall of America Field, as a captain for the MVC. Pam shared with UltimateCheerleaders her life’s journey, including dancing for a renowned college team that she now serves as assistant coach, and her home life, which illustrates a contradiction to the Leo Durocher quote “Nice guys finish last,” and also is injected with humor courtesy of her two English Bulldogs. If you have seen the Volkswagen commercial in which a bulldog swallows the keyless remote, I have a feeling Pam can relate, as one of her puppies deprived her MVC teammates because of his own need to consume first and ask questions later.

A Minnesotan by birth, oldest child Pam was dressing people in dancewear from the early on, even though her brother may not have appreciated her interest. “I was born in Edina, Minnesota and grew up my whole life in Eden Prairie,” Pam recounts. “I was the first, and only, girl in my family, with two younger brothers: Brandt who is four years younger and Jason who is nine years younger. I was an active and spunky little kid. Brandt and I were two peas in a pod. I would go to dance class and come home to teach him all my dances I learned. We would put on plays and recitals for my parents just about every night after school. Let’s just say Brandt has worn his fair share of tutus.”

Pam (right) during player introductions

Pam’s early life focused on dance, as she explains, “I started dance when I was three years old and have been dancing ever since. I was involved in ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, pointe, and lyrical on my studio’s competition teams. In high school, I was on varsity kick and jazz all four years, and captain both my junior and senior year.”

Dance continued for Pam in college, as she attended the Minneapolis’ respected University of St. Thomas. Were there days in the winter that Pam wished the campus was instead in the St. Thomas located in the Caribbean? “Oh man, in the winter when there was two feet of snow I most DEFINITELY wished the campus was in the Caribbean!” Pam responds. “But, it was nice when we would get a snow day and class would be canceled. I went to school for four years at UST, graduating with a degree in advertising and a minor in psychology. I absolutely loved it! It is a private school so the class sizes were small and we were able to get to know our professors and classmates.”

But Pam did get to spend some time away from Minnesota. “I was able to study and live in a small surf town in Australia for six months,” Pam recalls. “I was able to study advertising and work on a couple campaigns with Australian students. Their culture is amazing! Everyone was so laid back and easy going; such a change from our country.”

Pam (left) prior to first half routine

So what would be on Pam’s recommended “to do” list for someone visiting Australia? “A ‘must do’ is to stray away from the tourist traps and get out to Nobby’s Beach, or further down the Gold Coast, to experience the ‘small towns,’” Pam responds. “Sunday nights, they would have bongo nights in the park. Everyone would sit in a circle and keep a steady beat, adding their own spice and style. Anyone was welcome to participate or just watch. It was so fun!”

But when back in Minneapolis, Pam kept the beat as part on the dance team for her college’s championship caliber dance team. “I danced for the University of St. Thomas dance team in college and was also captain there my junior and senior year,” Pam, who was awarded both “Rookie of the Year” and “Most Valuable” during her tenure, recalls. “We won the national championship my junior year, which is one of my proudest moments.” Not only was the dance team successful, participation kept Pam’s calendar full, just how she likes it. “I was very busy, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” Pam says. “We danced at football games, pep-fests, basketball games, and parades for the school; lots of Tommie pride!”

Pam’s not only received an education at St. Thomas, but the gift of friends to last a lifetime. And to you guys out there, a lesson that a nice guy can finish first. “I met so many wonderful people at St. Thomas, some of which are my best friends today,” Pam relates. “On the first day of school, a nice guy offered to help move my stuff into my dorm room. We ended up talking, hanging out, and I fell for him. Seven years later we are now married with two bulldogs!”

So college ended, and Pam took the chance jump to the pros, trying out for the Vikings Cheerleaders. “After college, I knew I needed to keep dance in my life,” explains Pam. “One of my former teammates on St. Thomas suggested I try out for the MVC so I thought I would look into it.” After auditions, Pam still remembers the moment she learned she made the team. “I remember I was sitting in the library at St. Thomas, staring at my phone, trying my very best to ‘study,’” Pam recalls. “When my phone rang I jumped up, answered it and all I remember is (Director) Tami (Krause) saying ‘Congratulations!’”

But making the team is one thing, but surviving the legendary MVC boot camp is a whole other fitness ball game. The MVC workouts are legendary. Did Pam ever consider dropping out during that first year’s camp? “Whew, the workouts are tough stuff!” Pam comments. “Having gone through a strenuous strength training program in college with my team, I knew I was mentally in it. I love pushing myself and working hard so quitting wasn’t an option!”

Pam survived boot camp to earn the right to wear the glittery boots for the Vikings Cheerleaders. Did Pam expect to still be on the squad four years later? “I knew I wanted to keep growing as an MVC and become the best ‘cheerleader’ I can be. I don’t know how long that will take!” laughs Pam.

Pam, what are your favorite parts of being on the MVC and what keeps you coming back? “I love being a part of a team with so many motivated, hardworking women,” Pam answers. “I have met some of my best friends in the world on this team. I also love performing and dancing. Having best friends to dance with while all working toward a common goal is what keeps me coming back! Oh, and I love the Vikes!”

And the opportunity to be part of the Vikings organization has taken Pam on a unique journey across the world. “I was blessed to be chosen to go overseas to Iraq my second year on the team,” Pam says. “It was an eye opening experience that pushed me outside my comfort zone and helped me develop a deep appreciation for the military and all it is they do. We met some amazing soldiers over there that we all keep in touch with today. Hearing their stories about their families and friends, along with the experience they’ve had drew me to tears every time we would talk with them. So inspiring!”

During the 2010 season, the collapse of the MetroDome roof meant that the Vikings went to Detroit (indoors) and University of Minnesota (outdoors) for two games late in the season. “That was a crazy year!” Pam exclaims. “Going to Detroit was such an awesome experience. There were so many Lions fans there, cheering for us, the MVC! They don’t have cheerleaders, so it was an added element of the game that those fans weren’t used to.” Though there were challenges to the sudden change in locale. “We had to be so flexible and quick on our feet during that trip,” Pam explains. “We were changing dances and formations at halftime and then had to perform them minutes later. I loved it! It was high-energy, fast pace, slightly stressful, but SO FUN!”

Then, in a Minnesota December night game, Pam had the chance to perform outdoors, at UM. “Cheering outside for the first time was an experience I will never forget,” Pam shares. “I tip my hat to all the teams who have outdoor stadiums and have to endure the different weather conditions. We were bundled up head to toe, hand warmers in our hands, but big smiles on our faces. It was a blast!”

In addition to 2010’s crazy venue changes, Pam has many memories from her tenure on the team. “Jenna and I decided that we would motivate the team by dressing up like thugs and leading them in a hip-hop warm up,” Pam recalls. “We were all out and made the team bust a move; a really fun and vivid memory that sticks out!”

On the football side, Pam memories include, “My first year on the team was the team with Favre on the Vikes. I will never forget the Hail Mary he threw at the 49ers to win the game at the last second. I was so exhausted from cheering and dancing the whole game, but I was jumping and bouncing all over the place when Greg Lewis caught the ball.”

Now, Pam is one of the MVC captains. “I love being a captain because I love to help people achieve their goals,” Pam says. “Last year was my first year as a captain so I was still figuring out how to best lead the team. This year I finally feel like I’m getting the hang of it and able to help motivate and push people.”

What advice does Pam provide to MVC rookies? “The advice I would give to a rookie as they start their journey is to take it all in. At appearances, games, practices, and everything in between, try your best to take a moment to think about what you are doing and how special it is. Oh, and take a lot of pictures,” smiles Pam.

And not only is Pam a product of the St. Thomas Dance Team, she in her third year as one of the assistant coaches for her alma mater. For a school not known for big time sports, what created such a championship caliber dance team? “The UST dance program keeps on growing and developing,” Pam answers. “Every dancer that we take, we go through an interview process to make sure that the personality will be the right fit for the team. We want to make sure that the chemistry is there both on and off the dance floor. USTDT has a long standing reputation of working exceptionally hard. The girls practice three times a week, have strength training with a trainer (who is also an MVC!) once a week, ballet once a week, and gymnastics every Sunday. The girls are all so wonderful and motivate me daily. They make coaching a pretty fun job,” smiles Pam.

St. Thomas Dance coaches have a pro flair, assistant coach Lauryn is also a Vikings Cheerleader, Pam, and Head Coach Alysia, a three-year Timberwolves Dancer

So besides cheering for the Vikings Cheerleaders and coaching a collegiate team, Pam really should have a day job that includes dance and cheer, and voila, Pam joined dancewear company The Line Up this year as Office Administrator and is also listed as their “tryout apparel expert.” “I absolutely LOVE my job at The Line Up!” Pam exclaims. “Being able to work and be involved in the dance world and professional world couldn’t be more perfect for me.”

Pam, what are some key things dancers trying out for their first pro team should consider? “When dancers are trying out for their first pro team, make sure to think of a color or color combination that will stand out,” advises Pam. “Something that will catch the judge’s eye and make them remember you. ‘Look at the all red girl over there!’ Also be sure to think about colors that will help your skin tone, hair color, et cetera. Pastels can be tricky so make sure to have a nice tan if you’re considering having a primary color in your costume a lighter color.”

At The Line Up, does Pam ever give the garment designers advice on what maximizes form and function? Pam responds, “I do get to try on many of the costumes that come through The Line Up to ensure that the fit is right. It’s so fun!” As far as The Line Up’s Vikings uniforms, Pam says, “I love the unique look of our MVC costumes; the purple and gold, the ‘Vikings look,’ and how cute they are! Our newest costume, ‘Baby Helga,’ is most definitely my favorite. Megan, our account manager, and Deb (owner) did a wonderful job helping Tami’s vision come to life!”

So when Pam is not working, cheering, or coaching, she gets to spend time with her two English bulldog fur babies. “OH! I love my bullies so much!” exclaims Pam. “They truly are my two wild children. We got Plugg, our white one, as a wedding gift and I immediately fell in love with the little dude. His wrinkled little face and chubby legs were so cute! We always knew we wanted to get a brother for Plugg, so for my husband’s birthday last year, I surprised him with Henry, our little fawn colored bully. Their personalities are so funny and so different. We joke that Plugg is the nervous, concerned kid who loves to play chess and makes sure that everyone follows the rules; whereas Henry is our hyper, athletic kid who loves to get into mischief and be crazy, probably the running back of the football team.”

And Henry stories remind one of the VW commercial bulldog that swallowed more than it could chew, the keyless remote. But Henry ingested more than that once; lots more. “I was in charge of bringing Rice Krispy treats to the game for MVC,” Pam recalls. “I had to run out and do some errands, and when I returned, I found that Henry not only jumped up and ate all the treats, but he ate the tin foil baking pan as well! Needless to say, the MVC did not get Rice Krispy treats that game.”

Well, I am sure Henry still smiles, smacking his lips, as he sleepily dreams about the bestest snack ever. And even with all her activities, certainly we don’t have to worry about Pam biting off more than she can chew. Pam’s energy and excitement about the varying aspects of her dance-tastic life is contagious. We don’t want to see anything keep Pam off the sidelines, so maybe The Line Up should provide some backup uniforms, in case Pam returns home one day to find her “Baby Helga” consumed like the Rice Krispy treats. And the case probably will be ‘sewn up’ when Plugg relunctantly id’s Henry in a different kind of ‘line-up.’

Thanks SO much to Pam for sharing her fun and positive approach to all aspects of her life! Also thanks to super Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders Director Tami Krause, for all of her assistance, and the Vikings Jon Ekstrom for all of his help!

About the Author

Dave, Midwest Correspondent