Colts Cheerleader Megan O’s excellence in doing what she loves is a hometown and family tradition

Her brother Brett is serving in Afghanistan, so the salute to the military was very special to Colts Cheerleader Megan O during the Colts-Miami game
NFL games often feature tributes to members of the US Military, particularly in November around the time of Veterans Day. For instance, during the home game in Indianapolis against Miami, the Colts Cheerleaders paid tribute by donning special uniforms to represent the branches of the military, and also performed a special USO themed halftime show, including each Cheerleader swing dancing with an active military member.
For one of the Colts Cheerleaders, the connection to the military is especially meaningful; Megan O’s brother is serving his country in Afghanistan. Megan shared her feelings about her brother’s service with UltimateCheerleaders, in addition sharing her experiences to growing up in the “Circus Capital of the World,” her interest in art history, and her exciting Super Bowl week last year when she performed on Jimmy Fallon’s show.
Megan grew up in Indiana, born right in the center of a band of brothers. “I was born in Peru, Indiana,” Megan explains. “It’s a very small town in North Central Indiana. I lived on a farm until I left for college and I have been in Indianapolis ever since. When I moved to Indy, I lived with my two brothers. My eldest brother bought a house so, my brother Blake, who was also going to college in Indy, and myself moved in. I have two more brothers I left behind in Peru. So if you’re keeping track, I have four brothers and I am right in the middle. I have so many good memories with my family. My best memories would have to be swimming in my pool with all my brothers and cousins on July 4th and then watching the boys ride there dirt bikes and four-wheelers until we got dressed up and drove into town to watch the fireworks.”
Megan started dancing early, especially after she began using the furniture as her first stage, which motivated her parents to start her in dance class. “I started to dance when I was four years old at The Ballet Arts of Peru,” Megan recalls. “My mom tells the story all the time about how she tried to sign me up early for classes because I would climb on top of the coffee table and dance. I didn’t cheer at all during high school. I was too focused on ballet, tap, and jazz. I was, however, voted most school spirit in high school!”
And Megan won another title in her hometown, as part of their annual summer festival. In addition to being the birthplace of Cole Porter, Peru, Indiana is also noted for being the “Circus Capital of the World” because once upon a time it was the winter headquarters for the biggest circuses, including Ringling Brothers and Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. As a result, Peru is home to The International Circus Hall of Fame, the home of the world’s only remaining manufacturer of steam calliopes, and annually holds the Peru Amateur Circus as part of their Circus City Festival and Parade. All of the performers are amateurs, ranging in age from seven to twenty-one, and if you picture in your head what you would expect from a small town’s young people putting on a circus, multiply the level of performance about tenfold; their performance level is really unbelievable.
So Megan, were you one of the circus performers? “I wasn’t in the Circus but I was actually Miss Circus City!” Megan answers. “It was a scholarship pageant and I had so much fun. I went to the Circus every night for a week, after I won, to be introduced and help with the clown and kiddy acts. I had a blast! I was never in the Circus but my mom and sister-in-law were. My mom did slack-wire and my sister-in-law did the trapeze. I have a great respect for the craft and the countless volunteers who devote so much of their time to the Circus. I would love to learn the trapeze but I think I’ll stick with the clown acts.”
When Megan graduated high school, she moved to Indianapolis and currently majors in art history. “I have always been a history buff and I really enjoyed art classes growing up,” Megan explains. “I have a creative personality so I knew I wanted to do something in the arts. I chose the Herron School of Art and Design at IUPUI because of its location to all the major museums in Indiana. During my freshman year, I took ‘Introduction to Art History,’ and it was love at first lecture.”
Asked about her favorite artists, periods of art, and dream job, Megan responds, “I love the Northern Renaissance and my favorite artist from the period has to be Jan van Eyck. My dream job would be at the Met in New York City working in Collections Management.”
So Megan, as someone immersed in the ever changing would of technology but also with the knowledge of where art has been historically, where is the future of art headed? “The art experience is evolving,” relates Megan. “With iPhones and customized computers, the ‘museum’ is changing the experience of the audience and moving toward becoming more personalized. I’m really excited to be a part of this change. New techniques and trends in collections care and restorations are really important to me, and I could geek out about this for hours.”
So Megan, if you knew someone who had never been to an art museum, what would you tell them to convince them to give it a try? “If someone I knew had never been to a museum,” Megan answers, “I would take them on a personal tour of my favorite exhibits until their feet hurt.”
Speaking of spending extended time on one’s feet, artistic Megan also keeps dance as a big part of her life, too. Asked what prompted her to try out for the Colts Cheerleaders, Megan responds, “I tried out right out of high school and only told a few people about it. The process helped give me a feel for what to except. When my friends and family got wind of me trying out years ago, they insisted that I try out again. I really wanted to give it another shot. I can’t believe how much I grew during the auditioning process three years ago. When I got the call from Theresa (Pottratz), our coach, that I was on the squad, I was completely shocked. I was so thankful my rookie season. I was so happy to be a part of such an amazing squad.”
And last season, the amazing women of the Colts Cheerleaders were featured all week in Indy’s Super Bowl Village for many autograph sessions and performances, in addition to performing on multiple Late Night with Jimmy Fallon shows at downtown’s Hilbert Circle Theatre. “By far, my favorite event was Jimmy Fallon,” Megan says. “I stood backstage and chatted it up with Will Forte from Saturday Night Live. We met Snoop Dogg and Shaq, which was completely overwhelming. I signed so many autographs and performed on huge stages for massive crowds that week. It was an experience of a lifetime. I also performed Super Bowl Sunday at the stadium. I loved seeing the opening kick when everyone in the stands took pictures at the same time. It looked like twinkling stars. It looked so beautiful that I cried. The whole week was so special.”
And as for what brought her back to the sidelines of Lucas Oil Stadium to be a veteran Colts Cheerleader, Megan answers, “The rush I get from performing on game day! I loved that moment at my first game when we were in the dark tunnel waiting to take the field. I remembered looking around at everyone in our uniform and feeling such a burst of energy. After the game, I remembered saying to my dad that a girl could get addicted to this, and I did.”
And Megan’s family knows about dedication and devotion to do what one is called to do. Megan’s brother Brett is in the military, serving in Afghanistan. “Brett was put on this earth to be a pilot,” Megan explains. “This is his second tour and it never gets easier for us; you just get used to the fact that he is gone, fighting for our livelihoods. It’s a test of faith and I would love it if we never had to do this again. But, he is doing something that is so important for this country and is so brave, that I don’t mind sharing him with the rest of America.”
Being so close to the military, what did it mean to Megan to dance during halftime with a serviceman at the Veterans Day home game? “Performing at halftime with my Air Force buddy was a blast,” Megan says. “I felt like I was performing with Brett. I felt so comfortable with him and just we talked about his wife and kids and the fact that he was very intimidated to perform with us. I guess he reminded me of my brother. I find that most military guys have similar personality traits.”
And during this holiday season and later during Super Bowl time, NFL Cheerleaders will visit the military, both near and far, for performances and greetings. For the troops serving in places like Afghanistan, what does having visiting performers mean to them? “My brother was just talking about how the Dolphins Cheerleaders came to their base and he was so excited,” Megan relates. “He has also been selling our 2012 swimsuit calendar for me over there. They love it when NFL teams come to show their support and just say thanks. It means more to them than we will ever know.”
So with her close-knit family supporting one another’s endeavors, Megan represents not only Colts fans on the sidelines, but also the families of the active military, who deserve cheers every day in every way. With her family such a big influence on her life, as Megan both dances and studies art, what are her favorite ways to express herself artistically, and from whom did Megan inherit this strong artistic interest? “I have always been in love with the arts,” Megan says. “I absolutely believe that dance is a form of artistic expression (and my favorite artistic expression) and music goes hand-in hand with that. My dad always brags that I got my dance moves from him. I will always be doing something artistic until I’m too old to do it. I get really bored if I don’t keep myself entertained with art, dancing, or music.”
And with the Colts going to the playoffs, the extended season will keep Megan plenty busy for a while. From a small town in Indiana known for putting on a show through hard work, dedication, and high skill levels, with solely the pure motivation to work together to best represent their town, Megan and her brother Brett also exhibit these traits to do what they were born to do, and do it in the best way possible to represent their team and their country, respectively. Here’s to a superb 2013 for Megan and her family!
Thanks so much to Megan for sharing her time and thoughts with UltimateCheerleaders! Also, thanks to Colts Cheerleaders Coordinator Theresa Pottratz for all of her invaluable assistance, and Pamela Humphrey, the Colts’ Public Relations Coordinator for her help. And there are more photos of Megan O from the military themed Colts-Dolphins game plus the pre-season Colts-Bengals game at this link…
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What an awesome story. Thanks so much for sharing.