Brooklynettes Finals

Finals for the 2013-14 Brooklynettes took place at The Mark Morris Dance Group last Tuesday.

The Finalists. It was the conclusion of a 4-day audition process: Open Call Saturday, Call Back Sunday, Boot Camp Monday, and Finals Tuesday.

Captains and Eight-year veterans Jessica and Siobhan with Kimberlee Garris, the Nets Director of Entertainment Marketing, who is entering her ninth season with the team.

Courtney is a Villanova grad who studied Finance, International Business and Spanish. She cheered for the Philadelphia Eagles for two seasons.

Black two pieces were the required uniform, but dancers could express themselves thru their footwear. Julia had the most colorful shoes.

Congrats to the new team!

[Brooklynettes Finals Gallery]

[Brooklynettes on the Nets Website]

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About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent