Ultimate Cheerleaders

2013 Clippers Spirit Open Call

UPDATE: the link is fixed!

Swear to God, Clippers Spirit auditions are one of my favoritest times of year. You know how it is. You get busy doing other stuff, and the next thing you know the season is over. When I walked in the door this year, I realized how much I’d missed my peeps.

Anywho, I decided to shock the hell out of myself (and some of you) by posting this year’s audition photos the day after auditions. That never happens. I usually spend a day thinking about how many hundreds of photos I have to sort through. Then I spend a day jotting down some witty observations. Then it occurs to me the the observations actually weren’t that witty. So then I spend another day writing and re-writing. And another day looking through photos. Next thing I know, not only is the open call over, finals are over, the team has been named, and I still haven’t posted one thing.

So this year: Photos. Click here to go get ’em.

Also, a few relevant points:

  • It was East Coast humid in there. This is why some of the girls look like they need to wring their hair out. Or just rung their hair out. And need to do it again.
  • This is the first time (in my recollection) that Laker Girl auditions were on a Saturday and Spirit auditions the very next day. Most of the women were sane enough not to attempt that. The ones who weren’t, were in a world of hurt. If you ask me, save your energy for the team that’s going to KICK BOOTY this year.
  • 12 members of last year’s team are determined to hang on to those white boots. And I don’t blame them. It’s just getting good around here! (Retiring this year: Anasheh, Michelle, Katrina, and Jessie)
  • Awesome awesome awesome dancer turnout. This year’s team is going to be stellar.
  • There was an unusually large number of women wearing bows. Mostly on their fannies. Some on their backs, some on their fronts, some (well, really just Candace) in their hair. I enjoy a bow, so I had no problem with this. There was also a girl in shorts with a little anchor on her butt, and it was adorable.
  • I have no idea what the songs were and I haven’t looked them up yet. All I know is one went like this “work hard, play hard, work hard, play hard, work hard, play hard.” It probably wasn’t really that repetitive, but it was darn close. The only lyrics I recognized from the hip hop song were “pop pop pop pop pop.” Stay tuned, there will be video and perhaps some of y’all can help me sort it out.
  • Choreographer Jon Peters had one piece of advice that I feel should be repeated multiple times, at every NFL and NBA audition and/or workshop, everywhere, every year: Sometimes, when you think you are doing “sexyface,” mostly you just look evil. So knock it off. (I’m paraphrasing.)
  • Finals are on Thursday. 33 dancers are still in it, including all 12 veterans. I assume the team will be announced on Friday, because it would just be cruel to make everyone wait over the whooooole weekend.
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One thought on "2013 Clippers Spirit Open Call"

  1. Dede says:

    I would love to view all of your pictures but the yahoo website says I do not have permission to view. How can I view them? P,ease help! Thank you

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