The Clippers Spirit Takes China!
Six veteran members of the Los Angeles Clippers Spirit Dance team have been on an extended trip in China for the Dongfeng Auto Show. Jealous much? I am.
What is eh Dongfeng auto show? Glad you asked. Unfortunately, I don’t actually know. What I do know is that Dongfeng Motor Corporation is one of the biggest automobile manufacturers in the People’s Republic of China. The company is an official partner of the NBA, and invited the Spirit to appear at the show, perform, meet and greet fans, and bring some American-style awesomeness to the event. Mission accomplished.
The members of the dance team barely had this year’s auditions under their belt when it was time to pack up and go. I always wonder how these decisions go. No question that this would be veterans only. Hey, seniority has its privileges. But there were a lot of returning veterans this year. Eliminate all the ones who couldn’t get off work, and then waht do you do with everyone who is left? Draw straws? Rock, paper, scissors? Well, regardless of how they decided, Brittany, Jacy, Kellie, Kelsey, Tatum, Shannon were the lucky ladies who got to go.
Check out the photos on the Clippers website |gallery one| |gallery two| and the Clippers Spirit page on Facebook Page |click here|!
Reason #50984 why I would never been chosen for a pro dance team: If I saw a life size cardboard cutout of myself, I would take it. Wouldn’t even hesitate.
I’d take one of those, too. What? I’m just being honest.

Pop quiz: which on is the Director?
One thing you should know about Kellie: she’s a hugger. I’m not suggesting that should you ever see her at a game, you run up and bear hug her. This is just color commentary.
And a very happy birthday to the team’s Director Audrea Harris. Happy 21st!