Dallas Cowboys Rhythm & Blue – New Concept, New Look
The Dallas Cowboys hip hop squad, the Rhythm & Blue Dancers went co-ed this year. Well, technically, they were co-ed before. I think. I know they had B Boys. I think maybe they decided to integrate the B Boys and the female dancers into a single unit. That’s a guess. I don’t know much about this team, so I’m 100% clear on what exactly has changed. In any case, new team, new idea, and a new look for 2014. The guys are dressed very similarly to the B Boys of yesteryear, and the girls have ditched their silver onesies and cowboy boots for a more athletic looking costume that coordinates a little better with the guys. So here ’tis, whattaya think?
Sadly, the first thing that came into my head was my mother’s voice. How on earth are they going to keep those pants clean???