Ohio Dance Machine Director Megan’s non-profit “Urban-Eco” allows students to really see the circle of life

Megan is Director of the Ohio Dance Machine, dancers for Major League Lacrosse's Ohio Machine

Her passion for dance evolved into Megan’s off-hours role, directing the Ohio Dance Machine, the sidelines dancers for the MLL’s Ohio Machine. Megan’s passion for education became her day job, high school science teacher. But a life changing trip to Kenya in 2012 created another new mission for Megan, to connect high school students to the experience of visiting Africa. The result is “Urban-Eco,” a non-profit organization that Megan created with two equally passionate teachers, which is allowing students and teachers to visit Kenya, to experience a global perspective on the issue of conservation.

As Megan explains, “I first visited Kenya in 2012 while working on my Master’s degree. From the moment I stepped off the plane I fell in love with the country and the people. It was everything, from working with the Kenya Wildlife Service scouts, researchers, to meeting David Western and hearing him speak about the development of Amboseli national park, tracking lion movement at four in the morning with his son David Western, and working with the Maasai tribes. The experience was life changing and decided I wanted to share this experience with others and change their lives, too.”

The conclusion of Megan’s trip was a safari with her twin sister Jenny, also a high school teacher, and two other classmates. “We became so enchanted by what we learned, that we talked about sharing this experience with our students,” Megan continued. “I am proud to say that less than six months later, with the help of my sister and another teacher, we co-founded the non-profit organization Urban-Eco.”

Columbus, Ohio native Megan's team plays its home games near Columbus in Delaware, Ohio

“Urban-Eco’s mission is to provide hands-on experiences that infuse scientific inquiry and cultural immersion with educational volunteer opportunities for teachers and students on a global stage and local stage, and develop sustainability and community based conservation in an urban setting,” shares Megan.

And in the short time since 2012, Megan’s organization is already accomplishing its exciting vision. “This past summer, two years after our first visit, Urban-Eco made the inaugural trip with seven students and four teachers to Kenya,” Megan recounts. “It was such a wonderful experience, for it wasn’t just their first time out of the country, but out of their city. Students learned so much from the trip and even designed and carried out their own research project while in country. It was amazing to see the students grow and change while we were there; students began to realize how much they take for granted, and that the end of the trip wasn’t the end of their journey, they wanted to share this experience with their friends and families when they returned home, and do so much more.”

Urban-Eco is moving forward, with goals of moving in more directions. “We are currently planning our next trip and would like to expand the program to other locations and incorporate mountain gorillas, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, working with the cheetah conservation fund, and even marine life in Cape Town. It takes about two years to help our student’s fundraise for the trip to Kenya, so we will offer small trips in the off years to allow for more opportunities for students to get involved.”

To find out more about Urban-Eco or get involved please check out their website, urban-eco.org or visit Urban-Eco on Facebook for regular updates. But Urban-Eco is just part of her purposeful life, and Megan was kind enough to share with UltimateCheerleaders the joys of dance, teaching, and being a twin.

With two older brothers, Megan was born in Columbus, Ohio, with a best friend born on the same day. “Some of my favorite childhood memories involve dancing and performing with my sister,” recalls Megan. “Having a twin sister is the best experience in the world; the fact that we both share a passion for dance makes life even better. For me, there’s nothing quite like when I’m dancing with my sister, it’s very harmonious and invigorating.”

Megan’s twin Jenny is also leading the way in pro dance, being the founder of the brand new Chicago Thunder Dance Team in the MSFL. “Aside from both loving dance, she and I share the same passion for education and teach at the high school level; her passion is business information and technology, and I teach my passion of life sciences,” Megan says.

Jenny is in Chicago now, a couple of states away from Ohio, which is a change for Megan. “My twin is my best friend; my support, my courage, and my sanity, and it’s hard going from seeing her almost every day of my life to just holidays and special occasions, when she moved away. It’s tough saying, ‘Hey I want to meet up and run some choreography by you’, when you’re six hours away. In spite of the distance, we are closer then ever; talking multiple times a day and it makes any opportunity to dance with her that more special.”

Family has played a big part for Megan, as her mom played a big part in both her vocation and avocation. “I started out dancing when I was very young, around three years old,” Megan remembered. “I have my mom to thank for dancing, she always made sure I had opportunities to try all sorts of things and decide which ones where for me. As I grew up, I tried all styles of dance: ballet, tap, jazz , and modern. When I was in high school, I learned pom and kick line styled dancing, and when I was in college, I added hip-hop and breakdancing to my repertoire.”

College was guided by Megan’s lifelong interests and her mom’s daily example. “Growing up I was always interested in the science professions, from veterinarian to aspiring to be the first women on Mars, but I always knew my profession would be in science,” Megan says. “I always enjoyed sharing what I learned with others, and helping others discover their passions, and what better way than to teach? I have both my parents to thank for their support over the years, and am proud to say I follow in the footsteps of my mother, as she too is an educator and has truly been an inspiration to me in and out of my classroom.”

Megan matriculated north to Michigan after high school, attending Albion College. And if you know their nickname is the Albion Britons, you get an A+. “I was very active in college and played two varsity sports and danced,” shares Megan. “I received my BA in Biology and a minor in English. I came back to Columbus to teach because I wanted to give back to the community that gave to me. I have since received my master’s degree from Miami of Ohio and am working towards my national boards in teaching. I will begin my sixth year of teaching high school science this fall including biology, environmental science, and advance placement.”

With her vocation all set, Megan’s avocation still called to her. “After I graduated college, I missed dance terribly,” Megan says. “I decided, ‘I am too young for my dancing journey to have come to an end’; there was still so much I could learn. If you’re from Columbus Ohio, you know that it’s Buckeye country, we don’t have an NBA team or NFL, our NHL team doesn’t have a dance team, but while attending a (Major League Soccer Columbus) Crew game, I saw they had cheerleaders, but did I have what it took to be a professional cheerleader? I decided to find out and tried out for the Columbus Crewzers in December of 2010. I didn’t tell anyone I was auditioning because I was too nervous! And to my excitement, I made the team!”

“Being a Crewzer and dancing in Crew stadium in front of front of thousands of fans was an experience of a lifetime,” Megan continues. “I will always remember my first game; it was such a complete rush! I was both nervous and excited at that same time; there were so many people. Once the game started, everything went by so fast; fans were so energized, I was having the time of my life, and by the time I stepped on to the field to perform, I had so much adrenaline that I forgot all about my nerves and just wanted to perform. I was only a Crewzer for one year before the program was, to my dismay, cut; but I met so many talented dancers and learned so much the experience and am very grateful for the opportunity.”

But you cannot keep a determined dancer off of the sidelines! “I wasn’t ready to retire from professional cheerleading, I had just started, so I found and tried out for a brand new dance team for the newest professional sports team in town; The Ohio Machine, Major League Lacrosse,” Megan says. “Being on a start up dance team is such a unique and special opportunity, and best of all, I was still living my passion- dance. Aside from making two professional dance teams, one of my biggest milestones as a professional cheerleader was being honored with title of captain my first year on the Ohio Dance team.”

Captain was just about to lead to another set of responsibilities for Megan. “At the beginning of my second season, I was approached and asked to take over the leadership of the Ohio Dance Machine with the help of one of my co-captains,’ Megan recounts. “I have been tremendously lucky to find myself in this position, I knew I always wanted to be an officer and set a good examples for women in the professional cheerleading world, and now I also have the opportunity to help women grow and hopefully help them continue in the profession by preparing them for their next opportunity in this field. Stepping into the director position and making the decision to continue to dance with the team and act as captain has definitely been a wonderful, yet challenging, and fulfilling experience for me, and it keeps me an honest dancer who continues to work on personal growth as well as the team’s. I am very thankful to have a co-director and wonderful set of officers to help with the transitions, and I can’t thank them enough, I’ve danced with some of them since I was a Crewzer as a rookie and now they support me as a director and captain.”

But being director of a major league dance team in not necessarily the terminus of Megan’s pro cheer journey. “I am definitely not finished with the professional cheerleading world, I would like to audition for some NBA and NFL dance teams, hopefully with my sister beside me, and use some of the knowledge and experience I gain to build the Ohio Dance Machine’s program,” Megan assesses. “Cheering for MLS and the MLL is a wonderful experience; our fans are just as loyal as NBA or NFL fans and are very much like family to us, there is no reason that as popularity of Major League Lacrosse grows, that our level of dance recognition shouldn’t one day reach the same levels of that of the NBA teams; we all of that same goal to entertain the fans. When women join the Ohio Machine I want them to become ambassadors to our community and fans for a number of great causes, and when they leave the leave as more confident dancers then when they first arrived.”

“One of my favorite things to experience during the season is the evolution of the team,” Megan continues. “I see rookies and vets go from strangers to teammates, forge lasting friendships, and that moment in the season when all the dancers start to dance as a team during performances.”

Cheering for pro soccer and lacrosse are two unique sports in the world of pro dance. What are the fun aspects and the challenges of cheering for sports that are new to pro cheer? “Like any professional sports, you have to know where the ball is at all times!” answers Megan. “I’ve been one of the fortunate one’s to have not gotten hit with a soccer or lacrosse ball, but I know a friend or two who literally had to grin and bare it, nothing too serious though.”

Asked about memorable games in her pro dance life, Megan described the most recent contest. “I’ve always loved dancing in the rain, and our last game was my favorite,” explains Megan. “With the weather in less than favorable conditions, nine minutes into the first quarter we are put on an hour rain delay, but we came back with some great performances and to top it off the Ohio Machine unseated the Outlaws 23-22 in overtime, and are looking towards our first playoffs! It is definitely one of my favorite games!”

Megan shows her excitement during the Machine's OT win over Denver

Megan has become the face of pro cheer in central Ohio, and certainly someone to ask about their fitness routine. “If you’re bored with your fitness routine, then you’re missing out!” exclaims Megan. “There are so many different activities out there, and it’s easy and beneficial to change things up. I train a half hour with a personal trainer twice a week, which includes everything from running, to body weights, lifting, and tabatta; love tabatta! I love to run with my, ‘Zombies, Run!’ app, nothing like a little adrenaline to get you moving! Dance rehearsal is twice a week and are between two to three hours each rehearsal, and there are also days I am at the studio burning calories working on choreography. I also enjoy throwing in some Zumba, Pure Barre, and Title boxing to keep me sweating regularly.”

Megan’s favorite physical activity outside of dance is, “Scuba diving; take a risk and try something new!” Her favorite thing to help enhance workouts? “Water, we underestimate how much it can help us and don’t drink nearly as much as we should.” Now we know why Megan enjoys dancing in the rain!

In addition to fitness, Megan’s advice for those considering trying out for pro cheer/dance: “Never be afraid to try out, you’ll never regret it. Even if you don’t make the team the first year, you’ll meet people and learn things that will help you at the next audition. Do your research before trying out for the team, it’s good to know the history of both the dance team and the sports team, especially if the auditions have an interview. Prepare for your audition: make sure you work on technique, showmanship, free style, and strengths you want to use so the judges notice you and always have confidence and a smile!”

You get the feeling Megan can do anything she puts her mind to. With her interest in science, Megan has the look and carries herself like she could be that one really popular weather reporter in every city that everyone absolutely adores and relies on. But luckily for students, she is devoted to teaching, and luckily for central Ohio sports fan, Megan is devoted to dance. One thing is for sure, Megan’s future will be filled with travel. Asked about her favorite places she has been to, Megan responds, “I am very fortunate to have traveled to some of the places that I have (Australia, Germany, Amsterdam, and the Caribbean) and aside from Kenya, Belize and Roatán are my favorite places to visit.” Yes, I needed to look it up, Roatán is the largest of Honduras’ Bay Islands. So where would Megan like to visit and perhaps add to Urban-Eco someday? “There are so many places I’d still love to see and maybe one day add to our program: England, India, China, Costa Rico, New Zealand and even chilly Antarctica,” answers Megan.

But there will be always a warm soul at home to greet Megan, “Even in my busiest days, the one thing I always enjoy is spending time with my adorably sweet Rottweiler, Ajax.”

Best of luck to Megan on all of her endeavors, and thanks to Megan, her Ohio Dance Machine, and the Ohio Machine organization for all of their assistance. And they have “goals,” too. The Ohio Machine play their last regular season game at home this weekend, and after two two-win seasons, the Machine are currently in the last MLL playoff spot. No matter what, the Dance Machine will be there to cheer them on this weekend! More photos of Megan from the no rain, pouring rain, sunny skies game against the Outlaws are at this link.

About the Author

Dave, Midwest Correspondent