Ultimate Cheerleaders

Sioux Falls Lightning Girls Auditions

Lightning Girl Tryouts are set for December 2nd!

Sioux Falls Convention Center

1:00PM – Registration
1:30PM – Learn dance, sidelines and technique
3:30PM – Break to prep for auditions
4:00PM – Auditions
4:30PM – Interviews
5:00PM – Team Announced

Not quite the dancing queen or can’t make practices but would love to be involved?
To help on game day and be part of the community, contact Nickole: lgcoach@siouxfallsstorm.com

Click to Download 2019 Tryout Application


Q: What are the requirements to be a LG?

A: You must be 18 years of age. You must be a high school graduate as of June 2018 for the year you are auditioning. You must be a full time college student, mother/homemaker or employee.

Q: Do you consider being a LG a full time job?

A: No, this is a part-time job. Most of the Lightning Girls are also a full-time college student, career women or mother/homemaker.

Q: Are there any age requirements?

A: You must be 18 years of age by the Open Audition. Ages of LGs have recently ranged from 18 ? 34. There is no ?maximum? age limit.

Q: Are there any height or weight requirements?
A: No. We require that LGs must be in good health, look well proportioned in dancewear and can meet the demands of the LG uniform. There are no specific height or weight requirements.


Q: Are you required to have any cheer or dance experience to audition?

A: No, it is not required, though most candidates typically have some performance experience.

Q: How many people audition each year?

A: The number of applicants varies from season to season. We usually host about 20-30 women at Open Auditions. Do not worry about numbers though! Be confident and go for it! We want to see YOU this year at tryouts!! Attending the prep class will help you feel more confident!

Q: What should I wear to auditions?

A: Nothing loose fitting. A crop top or tight tank and hot pants or trunks is desirable. Dance shoes and skin tone tights (non-shimmer) are suggested, but not required. Wear what makes you feel confident! It just needs to be form fitting. Any color attire is fine for Open Auditions. Come dressed to perform. Bring a warm up jacket/pants to wear in between audition segments to keep warm.

Q: What should I bring with me to auditions?

A: Bring a water bottle and a snack for the day. You will also need a non-returnable recent photograph of yourself to be used for identification, tryout application, and the non-refundable application processing fee of $25 (cash or check made payable to Lightning Girls). You may wish to bring some personal items such as make-up and extra nylons ? just in case. You will be able to touch up after learning the routine and before auditioning in front of the judges.

Q: If I do not advance to making the team, will my application be kept on file?

A: No. Each person must re-apply and audition from year to year. Also, no photos will be returned, so don?t use a photo you cannot ?part? with!!!!

Q: If I am not selected for the team, may I call the LG office to receive the judge?s comments/scores?

A: No. The judge?s sheets are not kept on file and comments about your audition are not available. The judge?s decision is final and confidential. Thank you for understanding. The waiver you sign will acknowledge you understand this and release rights to any feedback.

Q: How can I best prepare to audition if I want to become a LG?

A: Dance!!! Call your local dance studio and take a class. Attend our optional prep class, led by the LG coaching staff and alumni LG, to learn more about the Lightning Girls program. Work on your flexibility. Take workout classes or do workout videos. (These help build stamina and increase your speed for learning choreography.) Be confident!

Q: Is the Prep Classes required to audition?

A: No. The prep class is optional, but if you are available and can make it we suggest you attend to feel most prepared. We provide excellent preparation details for the upcoming audition. Evaluations from past participants reveal they feel much more confident when they attend. Material is taught by the LG Coach, alumni or captains.

Q: What will the judges look for at Open Auditions?
A: ?The Whole Package?

  • Personal Appearance (physical fitness level, poise, confidence, orderly and polished presentation, facial beauty, etc.)
  • Dance Ability (flexibility, versatile performer, crowd-pleasing, grace, style, strength, routine confidence, technique, etc.)
  • Showmanship (smile, eye contact, projection of positive support for the team, positive body language, posture, etc.)
  • Personality (bright, outgoing, enthusiastic, professional, mature, responsible, a ?team player?, a strong desire to support the Storm and the LGs, willing to accept and show improvements on constructive criticism, availability in schedule to meet team demands, etc.)
  • Enthusiasm (energy, hard working, goal oriented, improvement focused, driven, exciting to be around, etc.)

***The judges will be looking for potential, not necessarily perfection!!!!!

Q: How should I wear my hair to auditions?

A: We are proud to be sponsored by Vanessen?s Hair Design. You might consider making an appointment for a consultation with one of their trained experts before auditions. They can make suggestions on how to style and wear your hair and/or make-up. Their staff helps to make the LGs beautiful! Basically, we are looking for a hairstyle that is complimentary, has IFL glamour and can ?dance? well. Remember, if selected to the team, we will work to ?establish your look? with the professionals!

Q: How should I wear my make-up for auditions?

A: The main thing is to wear your make-up in a manner that is flattering to your natural features, makes you feel confident and will stay in place for the long day at Open Auditions. More suggestions will be offered at our prep class.


Q: How many spots will be available on the team? 

A: The number of team members varies from year to year, but is approximately 14-20. All returning veteran team members must still go through the audition process. Our incoming team captain or captains may be waived from the audition process. This varies from year to year.

Q: Is it ok to audition if I have a tattoo or body piercing?

A: YES! We may require some to be covered or removed during public appearances/games during the season though.

Q: What should I expect during the Open Auditions?
A: You will arrive on time to registration, where you will turn in your application packet if haven?t mailed in already including an application, your recent photo and application fee, sign a release/waiver agreement, and be assigned an audition number.

  • You will have time to warm up/stretch. You may be asked to perform a warm-up of skills across the floor. You will learn the first routine and then be assigned an audition group of approximately 3 or 4 women. You will be allowed a short time to practice in your small group and then you will begin performing for the judges in your small groups. If you can tumble, you will be given an opportunity to demonstrate this during the audition, but is an optional skill only. Plan to stay the whole time! You will NOT need to prepare your own choreography for Open Auditions. Reminder to pack a water bottle, warm up clothes, snacks, touch up products/tools, etc. as it can be a long and exciting day!

Those selected for the team will be announced at the end of the day. Open Auditions and Interviews are closed to the public.

About the Author

David Tyau, National Correspondent