Ultimate Cheerleaders

Calling all Cali and NYC Dancers – Celtics Auditions are Right Around the Corner

2009-celtics_brandy3smNot that I don’t care about you New England girls, but those of you in California and New York need more advance notice. Obviously if you are chosen for the team, you’ll have to relocate, and that’s a big deal. But you know what else is a Big Deal? Dancing at NBA finals. And if you (and the Celtics) play your cards right, it could be YOU out there on the hardwood, this time next year. Close your eyes and picture it. The lights! The music! The roar of the crowd! And you, right smack in the middle of it, in a sparkly green tutu. (Ok maybe not a tu tu. Not that there’s anything wrong with tu-tus, but I’ve never seen a Celtics Dancer in one.) Strike the tu-tu. There you are, in a sea of shamrock green, smiling so hard your face hurts. Can this really be happening??

Well, no. It’s not happening.

Ok it IS happening, but not to you.


Every year, in addition to the local open call, Marina Ortega, Director of the Celtics Dancers takes the preliminary audition to New York and Los Angeles, in search of the best of the best. The Celtics are the only NBA team that offers this opportunity. If you’re a dancer, you reallllly ought to consider it. They’re serious about finding strong, talented, kick-ass dancers, and every year, they find a few out-of-towners who fit the bill. See Exhibit A: the 2009 squad. Almost half of them are from somewhere other than Massachusetts.

I could go on, if you want me to. Do you want me to?

Boston is an extremely cool place. There’s a lot to see and do, autumn is beautiful, there are tons of people your age, and the natives talk funny. On the days when you don’t have rehearsal or a game, there’s plenty to amuse you. For instance, they have a little boat on the harbor where you can dress up like a colonist and throw boxes of tea overboard.

Good times, people. Good times. And it could all be yours. Don’t be afraid of a little sleet and snow.

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