Ultimate Cheerleaders

Now Casting: Former Cheerleaders that want to get back in the Game!

GIANT disclaimer: I don’t know diddly about this website or this opportunity, so do your research before you get involved!

Casting Call Information
Company: Pom Pom Moms
City: Los Angeles Area
Posted On: 10/01/2010
Closing On: 11/15/2010

NOW CASTING!!! Former Cheerleaders that are looking to loose some weight and show that they haven’t lost their team spirit!!

– Are you a former High School, College, or Pro Cheerleader?

– Are you ready to break out of the routine and get back in formation?

– If you or someone you know was a former Cheerleader we want to hear from you! If you were not a cheerleader, nominate someone who was!

We are looking for mothers with cheer leading experience (high school, college, or pro), preferably between the ages of 25-45, who have a passion for cheer leading! Looking for mothers of all walks of life, from the stay-at-home-mom to the high power executive, and everything in-between. This is for a competition reality show pilot presentation built around cheer leading nostalgia, competition, and personal transformation. Cheer leading is about teamwork, commitment, passion, leadership, dedication, determination, and most of all fun! We’re looking to prove that just because you’re a mom, doesn’t mean you still can’t shake what your momma gave ya!!!

Dates are TBD and will be provided soon.

Do you have what it takes to be a cheerleader…AGAIN?


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One thought on "Now Casting: Former Cheerleaders that want to get back in the Game!"

  1. Gina says:

    I have to get on this show haha! I just had a baby a month ago…and I’m training now for next season’s audition!!!!

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