Ultimate Cheerleaders

Sierra the Junior Charger Girl

This is Sierra, an adorable 8 year old from San Diego:

Sierra is a busy girl, and one of her most recent activities is participation in the Jr. Charger Girls program. (Her Aunt Marissa is a rookie on the team this year, so the experience is extra special for both of them.)

The Junior CG program raises money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Chargers Community Foundation. Each participant is required to raise $175 in sponsor pledges in order to participate in the halftime performance at the Chargers home game on October 31.

Philanthropy is nothing new to Sierra. She has been involved with Operation Shoebox and the American Heart Association, as well as other organizations through her Girl Scout troop. Knowing how many kids benefit from the Make-A-Wish Foundation has motivated Sierra to set her sights high. She wants to raise $1,000 for the organization, and she has until Saturday to do it. She’s well on her way!

Click here to read a note from Sierra. Maybe you can help her reach her goal. 🙂

About the Author
