Ultimate Cheerleaders

Former Cincinnati Ben-Gal Launches Skinny Mom®

Brooke Griffin, former Cincinnati Ben-Gal side captain (2005-2009), has launched SkinnyMom.com.

Skinny Mom is a free, daily email newsletter and community website.They  give moms the inside “skinny” on fitness, food, and family – everything from innovative workouts that you can do with your kids and “skinny” dinner recipes to the best family vacation spots all written and approved by modern fit moms.

Brooke has plenty of help from other cheerleaders. Three  of  her mommy bloggers are former and current NFL Cheerleaders. Daphne Jurgensen “Mommy Seeing Double” danced for the Ben-Gals for 7 seasons, Lindsay Cole “Mommy Dearest” was with the Ben-Gals for 3 seasons, and Laura Vikmanis “Mom to Cheer For” is currently still with the Cincinnati Ben-Gals.

Brooke tels us , “Strong is the new “skinny” and that is the anthem we sing here at Skinny Mom. We want to empower moms to be strong physically, mentally and spiritually. Skinny Mom is a tool to assist expecting moms and mothers to live a healthy and fit lifestyle while doing the 1000 other things we do every day … from taking care of the kids and cooking dinner to maintaining a career. After-all, what mom wouldn’t want to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight or use the post-pregnancy as the time to achieve that fitness goal, all while having more energy, the know-how to cook healthy meals for her family, and the tools to revamp her sex life? SkinnyMom.com is the online community that gives you the “skinny” on how to accomplish all of this and more!”



About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent