Ultimate Cheerleaders

PCB Field Trip: 2011 Charger Girl Open Call Auditions

Every year, I promise myself that I’m driving down to San Diego for a Chargers game. I’m driving down to Fan Fest. I’m driving down for the calendar release party. And it never happens. I contemplate the traffic and my tendency to get sleepy at the wheel, and I think “Next time. I’ll definitely go next time.”

And then it’s audition time again, and I’ve missed a whole ‘nother season of Charger Girl fabulosity. Sad, really.

I may miss the games and the other stuff, but I will not miss auditions.

I didn’t miss it this year, either, and I have lots of photos for you here.

This year the planets were aligned in my favor. Traffic was light, and I arrived early and without incident.

The first familiar face I saw was former Charger Girl Katrina, who now dances for the Los Angeles Clippers Spirit. Katrina had arrived bright and early to help demonstrate the choreography.

I also ran into Jessie, who was a rookie on last year’s team. (Also used to dance for Clippers Spirit.) Jessie was also helping out for the day. She had reluctantly decided to hang up her poms after one year on the squad. She loved being a Charger Girl, but balancing school and the frequent commutes to San Diego were wearing her out.

The crowd was sizable when the doors opened at 9. I scoped out the registration table to see who besides Jessie was retiring this year.

Dang. Giselle, too?

Registration was an orderly process and the arena quickly filled up. Before I knew it, it was 10 am, and time for the whole shebang to get started. Maria Giannini from E2K and Charger Girls Director Lisa Simmons explained the audition process, introduced choreographer Jeannine Sabo, and the four former Charger Girls who would help demonstrate the dance: Kyli (retired in 2005), Ashley B (retired in 2007), Amanda (retired this year) and of course, Katrina (retired 2009)

Katrina, Kyli, and Ashley

Charger Girls Director Lisa Simmons

I’m having a difficult time believing this is Lisa’s SEVENTH year as director. It’s been seven years? Already?

Jeannine did a warm up and started teaching the combination to Jennifer Lopez’s new hit “On the Floor.” (It’s catchy, I’ll admit it, but come on. JLo totally phoned this one in. It is, as they say, somewhat lacking in lyrical richness.)

Meanwhile, I took the opportunity to scope out the competition. It seemed like a lot more girls this year. Dancers, dancers, dancers, and more dancers

I spotted a couple of Charger Girls from the 2009 team, who were looking to make a comeback.



I spotted at least half a dozen girls from other NFL and NBA teams

Erica was a Laker Girl (and a ChivaGirl before that)

Lindsey was a Laker Girl too.

The other thing I like to scope out is the Charger-themed outfits. There are always a few.

Around 11, I checked the lobby to see if last year’s veterans had arrived.

Oh my, yes they had. Almost ALL of them.
Good grief! I started counting

21 members of last year’s team are in the running this year. Plus two veterans who want to come back after a year off. Plus a bunch of pros from other teams. Besides that, I have about 10 other girls that I’m really rooting for. And there are only 28 spots on the Charger Girl squad. Wow. I don’t know who has the scarier odds, the veterans or the girls hoping to make the team for the very first time. The more veterans there are, the less room there is for new girls. But the more veterans there are, the less likely it is that ALL of them will make it back on the team. Hey, maybe this is the year they’ll expand the team to 40!

Meanwhile, the judges assembled inside for the first round. The girls walked out on the floor in groups of three and did their best to impress.


When all was said and done, the initial group of 50 million girls was cut down to just under 200. Then the veterans joined the group and Jeannine taught the second half of the combination.

Jennifer (veteran Charger Girl)

Marissa (veteran Charger Girl)

Tiffany (veteran Charger Girl)

Culture (veteran Charger Girl)

The veterans had pre-assigned audition numbers, so they would be sprinkled in with the other girls.

With 200-odd girls still in the running, round two took quite a while.


Star (veteran Charger Girl)

Tiffany (veteran Charger Girl)

Nicole (veteran Charger Girl)

Natalie (veteran Charger Girl)

Maria (veteran Charger Girl)

Lauren P. (veteran Charger Girl)

Lauren O. (veteran Charger Girl)

See that poster in the background? That’s a poster of Katie. She is literally the poster child for the Charger Girls. Geez. No pressure there, I’m sure.


Emma (veteran Charger Girl)

When the second round was over, the judges cut the group down again.I don’t know exactly how many girls they took to finals, but it seems like a lot. Over 70, I think. The dancers are making it really tough on them this year.

So that’s where it stands right now. Finals are tonight. By the end of the day, we’ll know who made the squad. Stay tuned…

In the meantime, click here to check out more photos from the first day of auditions.

About the Author


One thought on "PCB Field Trip: 2011 Charger Girl Open Call Auditions"

  1. cheer101 says:

    Hey I was at the audition and was wondering if you were going to post pictures of all or most of the contestants in numerical order like previous years, or if you happened to have any pics of #286. 🙂

    That would be awesome.


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