Ultimate Cheerleaders

Norwood woman joins New England Patriots cheerleading squad

By Cheryl A. MacDonald/Wicked Local Norwood Columnist
Norwood Transcript and Bulletin
May 16, 2011


It’s been a dream come true for 20-year-old college student Amber Smith.

On April 16 when the New England Patriots announced the newest members of its cheerleading squad, Smith was on the list.

“Being a part of the three-time Super Bowl Champions and the entire Patriots organization really does mean a lot to me,” she said. “I feel like it is going to be a really good experience for me.”

Smith, who is one of seven children, is now part of the 31-member squad. She beat out hundreds of candidates, including veteran cheerleaders.

“All squad positions were open as even veteran cheerleaders have to re-audition for a position on the squad each year,” said Christy Berkery, media relations coordinator for the New England Patriots. “Patriots Cheerleaders can cheer a maximum of three seasons, but again, they are required to audition for their position each year.”

The newest Norwood addition to the Patriots cheerleading squad has danced for years. Smith first started cheerleading when she was in the fifth grade. She was on the high school cheerleading squad all four years and served as team captain her senior year. Smith graduated in 2009.

Her years of dancing and cheerleading have paid off her.

“Amber is a talented dancer and entertaining performer who is also beautiful and physically fit,” said Tracy Sormanti, New England Patriots Cheerleading Coach. “She’ll be exciting to watch on the sidelines of Gillette Stadium and will be a great representative of the Patriots organization at the personal appearances she makes in the community.”

The Road to Professional Cheerleading

It wasn’t too long ago that Smith came across information online that would bring her a step closer to becoming a Patriot’s Cheerleader.

For Smith, the first part of the process included a one-day cheerleading audition workshop at Gillette Stadium on Feb. 26. Three weeks later on the morning of March 19, Smith joined the assembly of hopefuls – all 300 plus – for the preliminary auditions. She said that she felt confident.

Preliminary Audition

March 19 was an early morning for Smith. Although registration was at 10 a.m. that morning, she woke up at 6 a.m. and was in line to register by 9 a.m. she said.

Armed with her registration number, 152, she was ready for the day that lay ahead of her. As part of the auditions she had to do two dance routines. The girls first learned the steps and then performed in front of a panel of judges. Then came the first cut.

Smith made the cut and moved on to the next phase where she was grouped with two others. Now it was onto freestyle. This segment gave the dancers a chance to showcase their own style.

Smith said she felt right at home, the song “Dynamite,” by Taio Cruz was playing in the background and was the same tune that she learned the choreography to at the workshop.

She said it was a long day, nearly 12 hours, before she left the stadium for home. But, she said, it was worth it.

Smith made the cut and was moved onto the next step: the personal interview.

The interview

It was here that Smith had the chance to share with her potential coach and the judges about herself. In addition to going to college, she works part time too. Her interests are dancing, shopping and hanging out with her friends.

She had the opportunity to give them a better glimpse into the type of person she is Smith said. It went well.

“The judges enjoyed meeting with her during her personal interview and found her sincere and intelligent with a fun sense of humor,” Sormanti said.

Final Audition

Two weeks later on April 2, the final auditions began. That was pretty intense Smith said. This time there was a swimsuit category, but it was a quick process she added.

Then she changed into her audition outfit; the one she put her own personal touch on with rhinestones. She was ready to meet the panel of judges; to dance and to show her poise, presence, physique and confidence.

Once again Smith and the others performed the routines and freestyle from the preliminary round. This time however the freestyle was a solo routine.

There was another shorter interview she said. Then there was a long wait to find out who would be continuing onto the next step; four intense practices during the following two weeks.

Smith made the cut again. She was selected to take part in four intensive practices during the upcoming two weeks before the final elimination would take place on April 16, the last day of the training.

It was the end of the last day of training and Smith was ready to learn her fate. But the group was sent home and asked to wait for an email. That is just what Smith did.

A few days later she got the word that she was on squad of the 2011 New England Patriots Cheerleaders. Smith is looking forward to her new role and all that goes along with it, she said.

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One thought on "Norwood woman joins New England Patriots cheerleading squad"

  1. KELLY MONROE says:

    I LOVE YOU AMBER!!!!!!

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