Ultimate Cheerleaders

2012 Charger Girl Final Auditions – Part 3

Today we have the last batch of photos from this year’s Charger Girls final audition. Letters L through T.

As I look back through all of the photos, I find it a bit of a bummer that though I’ve got zillions of photos of some girls, there are others who only have one or two. I console myself with the fact that it’s not for lack of trying. All told, I came away from this year’s auditions with about 6,000 photos. I’ve shared maybe 10% of that with you. The ones that I didn’t share – well, chalk that up to the reality of action photography. Half of them are blurry. In the other half, the girl is looking the wrong way or her hair is covering her face. Or she’s cross eyed. Or blinking. Or sticking her tongue out.

(In the interest of full disclosure, I freely admit that I do tend to take more photos of the people I know. That’s not exactly on purpose. It’s just that the ones I know might clobber me if I post bad photos of them on the internet and so I take a little more care with them. So there’s a tip for next year’s tryouts. If you want to be in the photos, come find me. If not, avoid me like the plague.)

In any case, I hope you’ve enjoyed this peek behind the closed doors at Charger Girls auditions. I’ve enjoyed sharing with you. And now, on to the photos. As with the others, I’ve posted a few here, and the rest have been added to the existing gallery on flickr. [click here]

May the Fourth be with you. Ha ha ha.


Lauren O.
*made the team*

Lauren P.
*made the team*


*made the team*

*made the team*

Michelle T.

Michelle W.


*made the team*

*made the team*


*made the team*

Rachel J.

Rachel S.
*made the team*


*made the team*


*made the team*



About the Author
