Ultimate Cheerleaders

Yes, They Thought They Could Dance (And Some Could)

The Local
June 3, 2012

More than 350 women with a bounce in their step tried out on Saturday to be cheerleaders for the Brooklyn Nets — but the vast number went home unhappy.

Most of the former New Jersey team’s current dancers will return when the team begins its first season at the Barclays Center this fall, leaving only a handful of slots for the newcomers.

But that didn’t prevent us from covering the event and posting this athletic slideshow [click here].

About 50 women received callbacks for today. From that group, about 30 will try out for the half-dozen slots.

And, of course, several local journalists donned their tightest sports bras and courtside-worthy Spandex to try out, too. Daily News reporter Amanda Mikelberg looked the part, but didn’t make the cut.

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