Ultimate Cheerleaders

Vote for your favorite Magic Dancer finalists

The competition for a spot on the 2012-13 Orlando Magic Dancers has been narrowed down to 30. (And unless I am very much mistaken, one of those 30 is Miami Dolphins Cheerleader alum Tiffany P.) Now the team is asking for your input to determine who makes the squad.

Click here to watch videos of each dancer’s audition, and cast your vote (no registration required, thank goodness). Do it quick – Finals are Thursday night!

(I’m not entirely sure how much bearing this has on finals. As far as I can tell, you can vote as much as you want. I must’ve voted ten or twelve times, just to see what would happen.)

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One thought on "Vote for your favorite Magic Dancer finalists"

  1. Kevin j Perez says:

    I vote for Ashley Michelle Schimmer! Go Ashley! you can make it! sending my vote across the ocean from venezuela

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