Ultimate Cheerleaders

Jets Flight Crew Alumni Game

The New York Jets Flight Crew maybe the newest squad in the NFL, but that doesn’t mean that they are building traditions. Earlier this month, former members of the Flight Crew returned to MetLife Stadium for Flight Crew Alumni Day.

Flight Crew Alumni and the current Flight Crew

Flight Crew Alumni assembled early on the field prior to the Jets-Saints game to watch the 2013-14 squad go thru pre-game rehearsal.

The Alumni from 2010


Hugging and reminiscing were the order of the day.

One feature of Alumni Day, is each of the current members of the squad is paired up with an alumna. She researches the former cheerleader, learns all about her, when she cheered, was she in the calendar, a captain, did she go to Pro Bowl, etc.

And then the alumna receives an individualized gift and a handwritten card.

Flight Crew Director Denise Garvey with the ladies who started it all back in 2007


But there’s more to Alumni Day. After rehearsal, the former Cheerleaders gathered outside the stadium to cheer on the players and coaches as they arrived. Then they gathered around the MetLife Central Stage to await a performance by the Flight Crew.

But while they were waiting several of the ladies were “drafted” into a competition, where each one had to down a complete football uniform: helmet, jersey, cleats, etc. And then race to end of the field , do a touchdown dance, race back and do it all over gain.


Drawing on their great teamwork skills, the FC Alumni easily defeated a team of Jets fans.

[Flight Crew Alumni Gallery]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent