Be Part of the 2010 MLB Washington Nationals Nat Pack and Dug Out Dancers
Application deadline is February 3rd!
Sea Gals on The Price is Right
Amanda and Lauren got a chance to meet Drew Carey.
Frisco (TX) NBDL Cheer and Dance Auditions
Auditions are Wednesday (Yes, this Wednesday!)
Monday Morning Cheerleader – Jamie of the Philadelphia Eagles
Jamie talks about the Eagles.
UNGL Team Cheerleading/Dance Auditions
Auditions the weekend of Jan 23-24 in Dallas, Miami, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.
2010 Pro Bowl Representatives: The Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders
Congratulations, Tonia!
2010 Pro Bowl Representatives: The Indianapolis Colts Cheerleaders
Congratulations, Holly!
Season’s Greetings from the Baltimore Blast Cheerleaders
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
On The Flipside: Las Olas Riverfront
Sideline Distraction Jennie of the Raiderettes is profiled.
FirstMates Tryout Set
Auditions are Saturday, January 9th