Ultimate Cheerleaders

ArenaCup X Dream Team

af2dreamThey’ll be in Vegas this weekend for the big game.

2009 Dolphins Cheerleaders

New team photo!mdc2009group

Awwww…you’re such a Sweetheart.

sweetheartsftlewisaug2007_baritonyaflagHeads-up NFL and NBA dance team alumni: Sweethearts for Soldiers is recruiting!

Washington Stealth Bombshells Auditions

jennstealthTryouts are Saturday, September 12th.

Vote for the 2009-10 Phoenix Suns Dancers

sunsoldHelp pick the Suns Dancers and you could win courtside seats!

Laker Girls at the Lakers 3-on-3 Tournament

lisaA couple of photos from last weekend’s Lakers tournament.

Redskins Cheerleaders Calendar Release Party – Part Two

redskins-cheerleader-calendar-release-party-18Josh’s Photos from the party.

WBS Pioneers Pony Express at the American Conference Championship Game

pioneers008Photos of the Pony Express

Americans announce 2009-10 Ice Angel squad for Inaugural Season

aaiceangels The Allen Americans held the Ice Angel final auditions in front of a capacity crowd at Dodie’s Place and Sports Grill in The Village at Allen Saturday night.

Washington Stealth Announce New Director of the Stealth Bombshells

sheena2Former Seattle Sonics Dancer Sheen Shive lands a new gig.