Ultimate Cheerleaders


Movie Premiere with the Axemen and Axe Maidens

axepostersigningThe Axe Maidens screen Invictus

Axe Maidens Blog: Marines 5k Marathon

5krunmicheleThe latest from the Jacksonville Axe Maidens.

Axe Maidens Blog: Keana at the ROAR Alumni Game


“Reporting LIVE from Jacksonville, FL….It’s Michele and Dee Dee of the Jacksonville Axe Maidens!”

axemenaxemaidens1Axe Maidens on the Air!

Axe Maidens at Quad Rugby Summer Slam

axequad1Cara and Dee Dee play wheelchair rugby.

P-R-O: Jacksonville Axe Maidens

Photos from the P-R-O Convention

Axe Maiden Amy At P-R-O

axeamy1Amy shares her first All Pro3 experience.

Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team Finale

fightlast056Photos of the Vixens Dance Team from last Saturday’s match.

Dominique Lands Her Dream Job

domfigh4It’s off to Vegas for a month of rehearsals and then 6 months on a cruise ship.

Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team

vixens46Photos of the Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team from last Saturday.