Ultimate Cheerleaders

British Columbia Lions

SI.com: Cheerleaders of the CFL

Sports Illustrated: With the 2015 Canadian Football League in full stride in early August, here are some photos of the league’s cheerleaders, both past and present. [Click here] to check out the gallery.

B.C. FeLions Hold Auditions

The BC Lions Felions Dance Team host an audition for about 100 dancers Sunday at the Scotia Dance Centre in Vancouver. About 55 will be selected by the end of the audition, with follow up interviews Monday, whittling the total to 40 finals for the Felions Dance Team 2015. [FeLions Audition Gallery]

2014 Felions

The CFL’s British Columbia Lions have posted BIG individual uniform shots for this year’s Felions dance team. Bios are still in progress, but all the photos are up. Click here to learn more about the ladies on the team!

Felions Pounce on Practice Time in South Surrey

Cheer team preps for CFL football season in weekly rehearsals at fitness club at Morgan Crossing By Jacob Zinn Surrey Now What does it take to become a Felion? Just ask Alexandra Severyn, the cheer team’s dance co-ordinator for the last 10 years. A former Felion herself, she knows the B.C. Lions’ dancers needs more […]

Felions hopefuls strut their stuff on Day 1 of tryouts for B.C. Lions dance team

By Frank Luba The Province March 9, 2014 There are always more hopefuls for the Felions than there are spots on the B.C. Lions’ dance team, even this year when the squad will probably be larger because the Grey Cup CFL championship is in Vancouver. Tryouts for the squad began Sunday at the Scotiabank Dance […]

Felion gives fans reason to roar

By Matthew Hoekstra Richmond Review July 11, 2013 Kara Gerlach is known to turn a few heads on game day. The Richmond woman is a member of the Felions, the dance team for the B.C. Lions tasked with cheering for the Canadian Football League team—and meeting fans. “Interacting with fans is one of my favourite […]

Felions Cheerleader Pumped

B.C. girl Alexandria MacFarlane has chance to become Much VJ By Dana Gee The Province Alexandria MacFarlane says her job as a professional cheerleader is not that different than the job of music channel VJ. The 20-year-old is a member of the B.C. Felions cheerleading squad and currently competing against 13 other young Canadians in […]

Felion Hopefuls Strut Their Stuff

The Province They promise to have some of the best moves in the CFL. But before the 2013 version of the B.C. Lions Felions Dance Team gets their spot on the sidelines, the squad has to be picked. About 80 young women spent Sunday at the annual tryouts for the dance team. According to dance […]

Quick – Someone Get Roger Godell on the Phone

That’s a photo from last Sunday’s Grey Cup, the championship game for the Canadian Football League. Every Grey Cup features cheerleaders from all the CFL teams. They perform at events leading up to the game and the game itself. How awesome would it be if the NFL brought in all their cheerleading squads for the […]

Photo of the Weekend – September 22 & 23

British Colombia Lions “Felions” dance team (August 2012)