Ultimate Cheerleaders


Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders v. the United States Military

dccbattlethumbAn epic battle to end all battles

Texans Cheerleaders Salute the Military

2009-htc_military-appreciation_thumbIt’s military appreciation day

NFL Cheerleaders Pep Up Marine Team in Afghanistan

2009-rams-afghanistan_4_cropSt. Louis Rams cheerleaders visited Forward Operating Base Delaram here recently to put on a show and help boost the morale of the Marines of 2nd Battalion

Eagles cheerleaders not just for football

del-co-thumbThe minute Krystle Campbellstepped off a military plane in Kuwait, she was hit with an intense blast of hot, dry air and nearly 125-degree heat.

Army Reserve Children Surprised by Orlando Magic Dancers During Workshop

meganclementiusa2010_smThree Magic Dancers drop in on Army Reserve Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

Pats Cheerleaders in Afghanistan

2009-pats-afghanistan_20The Patriots Cheerleaders are in Afghanistan

USO trip a life-changer for Raiderette

2009-ashlee-in-baghdadSome new emotions swirled inside Ashlee Marks as she descended into Baghdad aboard a C-130 Hercules military transport plane carrying American soldiers and four other Oakland Raiderettes.

Redskins Cheerleaders entertain sailors, families for USS Harry S. Truman

When it comes to entertaining our Armed Forces, the Redskins Cheerleaders are tops. wrc-harry-truman-2009