Ultimate Cheerleaders

Oakland Raiders

Former Raiderette Authors Children’s Book

pattypompomsIn addition to being an author Alise Cayen is a television producer, scriptwriter, poet, high school dance and English instructor and coordinates a police academy magnet school.

From The Archives – Raiderette Michelle Budano

From the Archives focuses on Raiderette Michelle Budano.

Former Raiderette on New VH1 Reality Show

moniquesmallMonique Williamson is on My Antonio

NFL.com cheerleader gallery

NFL.com’s cheerleader galleries are back for 2009. 2009nfl_49ers1

Former Raiderette Joins the Circus…No, really.

From the Raiders to Ringling Bros. leahcristianagonzalez1

USO trip a life-changer for Raiderette

2009-ashlee-in-baghdadSome new emotions swirled inside Ashlee Marks as she descended into Baghdad aboard a C-130 Hercules military transport plane carrying American soldiers and four other Oakland Raiderettes.

From The Archives – Raiderette Kelly Morris

Raiderette Kelly Morris, circa 1994 kelly-38

From the Archives – Raiderette Anjanette Ayabari

anajetteridersRaiderette Anjanette Ayabari

Personnel Profile: Alicia Hawkins

aliciaraidersAfter 4 seasons, Raiderette Alicia hangs up her boots.

Cheering the (Raider) Nation
