Shock and Awe: The Anaheim Bolts Dance Team
Orange County, California is known as a hotbed of athletic talent. The region produces some of the world’s best professional athletes from baseball, basketball, football, softball to water polo. But what you might not know is that Orange County is a hotbed of dance talent as well. The area has a number of dance studios […]
Anaheim Bolts Dance Team
Click here to check out individual photos and bios on one of the PASL’s newest dance teams!
San Diego Sockers select first-ever dance team
by Tony Cagala The Coast News October 4, 2011 DEL MAR – For Robin Wayman there wasn’t any nerves at all. There was nothing for her to be nervous about – she didn’t have to audition. Wayman is the director and coach of the newly inaugurated Socker Girls Dance Team. A former Charger Girl, Wayman […]
Behind the Scenes at the Anaheim Bolts Dancers Photo Shoot
The Anaheim Bolts are one of the newest teams in the PASL. The PASL season starts at the end of the month, and the dance team has a lot to accomplish before then. High up on the priority list: team photo. They’ve got to have a photo to autograph and hand out to fans, so […]
Auditions for the First Ever San Diego Socker Girls
The Sockers are members of the PASL (Professional Arena Soccer League) but have never had a dance team. The club reached out to former Charger Girl Robin Wayman to start the Socker Girls. Robin is very excited for this new venture and feels that with all of her experience, she’ll be able to create a […]
Vote now – RIGHT NOW – for your favorite Bolts Finalists
Auditions for the inaugural Anaheim Bolts dance team took place yesterday, right across the road from Disneyland. The field of finalists has been narrowed down to 22. Now is your chance to weigh in on who you think should make the team. Go to the Anaheim Bolts page on Facebook and choose your favorite.
Audition for Anaheim’s Newest Dance Team!
This fall, the Anaheim Bolts will commence their inaugural season as part of the Professional Arena Soccer League. The Bolts are looking to provide an exciting entetainment package for fans, and they’ve hired Taylor Hooks as Director of Game Entertainment to make it happen. Taylor is a former captain of the Los Angeles Clippers Spirit […]