Ultimate Cheerleaders


Vote for your favorite new Dallaswear Uniforms design!

Dallaswear Uniforms needs your help to choose which of these two new styles will be added to their to audition wear offerings. What do you think? Groovy? Or Shella? Click here to cast your vote. (Facebook account required.) [Click here to check out the other fantastic options on DallaswearUniforms.com]

Vote for your favorite Suns Dancer finalists!

The judges have narrowed it down to 32 finalists. Now it’s your turn to weigh in. Who do you want to see on the team this year? Click here to choose your top 16!

Poll: Which is Your Favorite Dolphins Cheerleader Uniform

It’s been a while since we had a uniform poll. So let’s try one with the MDC. Here’s Lauren J. in the “White” and then the “Aqua”. Here’s another look at the uniforms. This time with Kelly. The finally tally is in: [Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders]

YOU Pick the Pak

The Toronto Raptors organization is looking for a little input on this year’s Dance Pak members. They’ve already selected these ladies to the team: Now they want you to help choose the final member of the team. The field has been narrowed down to 8 ladies in the running for the remaining spot on the […]

Energee! Fan Vote

Milwaukee Bucks: Only twenty nine dance hopefuls survived the first round of 2013 Energee! Dance Team Audition cuts. This year the judges are looking for some help from Bucks fans to determine which talented ladies make the team. Use the form below to drag and drop your “top 10” finalists, enter your contact information and […]

Vote on new DMD uniforms

The Dallas Mavericks Dance team has posted two new uniform options on their Facebook page, and they’re asking for feedback. Actually, if I do the math, I think the vote is over, but you can still leave comments. Personally, I’m for the second option. I’m not entirely clear on what’s going on with those shorts, […]

Tweet for your favorite RPD finalist!

Houston Rockets: Meet your RPD finalists! Don’t miss The Finals on Monday,July 1, 2013 at The House of Blues to see if your favorites make the team. Its free and open to the public. The finalists will get one last opportunity to perform the audition routines for the judges panel and guests in attendance, after […]

MVC Calendar Vote: The Final Four

After four weeks of voting, the competition to grace the cover of this year’s Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders is down to the final four. Click here to cast your vote!

MVC Swimsuit Calendar Voting

Vikings.com: The 2013 Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders Swimsuit Calendar is in the works! Now we just need to decide which MVC should grace this year’s cover…….so we are asking Vikings fans to help us with the selection process! We have paired the TOP 8 cover model finalists, selected during our audition process for the 2013 team, […]

Vote for the 2013 Arena Bowl Dream Team

The polls have opened for the 2013 Arena Bowl Dream Team voting. Fans have a chance to help select the Dream Team Dancer for each of the 14 AFL teams. Brittany of the Arizona Rattlers Sidewinders Shelby of the Arizona Rattlers Sidewinders See all the candidates from all the teams and Cast your vote here.