Ultimate Cheerleaders

Magic Dancer Auditions Just Around the Corner

Hellooooo Orlando Girls!

I know you’ve been sitting around, watching all these other auditions go by, thinking “Gee, when is it going to be my turn?”

It’s now.
Your turn is RIGHT NOW.

Auditions for the 2009-10 Orlando Magic Dancers are scheduled for Saturday, August 15th. That gives you two weeks to take a few dance classes, get your outfit together, and do about a million crunches. In addition, the team is offering audition prep classes on August 5, 6, 7, 12, and 13. They’ll tell you everything you need to know to feel confident going into auditions. (Or, as confident as a person can feel when auditioning alongside a couple hundred other women.)

Click here to find everything you need to know on OrlandoMagic.com.


I don’t think I need to impress upon you what a fantastic opportunity this is. The Magic Dancers dance, of course. But wait – that’s not all. They dunk! They boogie with their daddies! And last year – they went to the NBA finals. (Perhaps you heard?)

And although my favorite Magic Dancer, the supremely cool and talented Miss. Megan Clementi, has retired (moment of silence, please…), the silver lining is that leaves one more pair of empty go-go boots on the squad.

Just think – at next year’s playoffs, YOU could be the one dangling precariously from the ceiling in pointy-toed boots! Personally, I would pay money for that experience.

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