What No One Ever Told Me about Motherhood

mirandaNew Jersey author and mother of three, Miranda Lobs, M.A., reveals the truth along with a few dozen laughs in “What No One Ever Told Me about Motherhood.”

With quotes from over 100 moms, Lobs provides new and quirky insight into the world of motherhood, including such topics as delivery and recovery, the difference between girls and boys, your kid becoming “that kid,” dealing with other mothers, and what really happens to your marriage after children.

“This book is meant to let you in on the many things that happen in the daily life of a mom but for some reason don’t get discussed,” Lobs writes. “It’s meant to reassure you that you are normal, and most of the things you think you’re the only person going through happen to most of us as well.”

Lobs earned a B.A. in psychology with a minor in communications and an M.A. in psychology, and she currently serves as a psychometrician of a neuromedical institute, conducting psychological testing. A former Miami Dolphins Cheerleader, dance instructor, and choreographer, she lives in Hackettstown, with her family.

[What No One Ever Told Me about Motherhood at Amazon.com]

[Miranda’s Official Website]

[Cheerleaders who are authors]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent