Checking out the Titans Audition
Open calls for the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders took place yesterday. Our good friend and former Titans Cheerleader Sissy was on the judges panel this year and sent over a few photos from the day.

Lindsey, Lindsay and Jen showing the routine to the judges before auditions
Alumni Laverne, Whitney, Sissy, Melanie and Valerie
Titans Cheer Alumni with Director of Cheerleading, Stacie Kinder The one with the beach ball under her shirt is alumni Farrah. She’s due in 15 days. (Looks to me like it could be any minute now!)
Some of the returning veterans posing for the camera
Current members and returning retired members of the squad preparing for tryouts.
Former members, Felicia, Amy, Stefanie S. and Stephanie A. are returning to tryout.
Alumni members and Stacie after the auditions