Ultimate Cheerleaders

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team Season 5 starts tomorrow

mtt5Marla Payne
October 13, 2010

It is a brand new season for this wildly popular reality show, and once again, hundreds of beautiful, talented women are vying for only a handful of vacant spots. Every year, Kelli Finglass has a big responsibility: To select girls for the team who will be the right ambassadors for the Dallas Cowboys Football Club.

These ladies are often the only face and voice to represent the Cowboys organization and she does not take her job lightly. For the past 20 years, she has been making decisions about each and every new squad. For her, each year of auditions is a little like having a new classroom of kids, and she is still very passionate about teaching.

The DCC brand belongs to Charlotte, Kelli, and Judy and they guard that image very closely. As executive producers of this renowned squad, they know what they can produce and what will not be good for prime time. First call is often a girl’s last look, but no one is discouraged from trying out for this world famous team. On the first day of auditions, everyone is a “DCC hopeful” and everyone is part of the cast of the season premiere for Making The Team. But as we all know, on every reality TV show on the air today, someone is eventually given a rose or voted off. So, which training camp candidates will be one dance short of earning their equivalent of a mirror ball trophy – the star spangled uniform?

This year, the odds are even slimmer with 26 seasoned veterans returning to reclaim their uniforms. At first glance, you might be momentarily confused into thinking this is a MMT rerun when you see at least 8 familiar faces from previous seasons in the crowd of contestants. Which girls have returned for another chance at a tribal council with Kelli and Judy? These returning candidates might have a leg up on the kickline this season, but they are still going to have to get past the new judge in town who is not quite as forgiving as Ellen DeGeneres.

Tune in to CMT on Friday, October 15th at 7:00 p.m. CST for the exciting season premiere of Making The Team 5. Every year brings new dramas, challenges and adventures for this world famous team. You are definitely in for the most exciting season yet!

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