Ultimate Cheerleaders

Comedian, NFL cheerleaders entertain Team Croughton

by Senior Airman Joel Mease
501st Combat Support Wing Public Affairs

4/4/2011 – RAF CROUGHTON, United Kingdom — A top-performing comedian from New York and the Seattle Seahawk cheerleaders entertained Airmen and their families here April 2.

Comedian Bryan Ricci and the Seattle Sea Gals teamed up for a variety show during the day. The cheerleaders also hosted a cheer clinic during the day.

“This is my second (Armed Forces Entertainment) tour in the U.K., and it’s just been a blast to entertain our troops and their families,” Mr. Ricci said. “It’s really been so much fun I don’t want to go home.”

Even though Croughton is a small community, the performers were ecstatic to entertain them.

“Because it was a smaller base our cheerleaders were able to do one-on-one training at our cheerleading clinic,” said Sherri Thompson, Seattle Sea Gals director. “It was wonderful for our cheerleaders to perform for the troops and families, whether it was a small or large crowd.”

Mr. Ricci said it truly is a privilege to be teamed with the Sea Gals by AFE to host their show and perform at U.K. bases.

“We would do anything for the troops,” Mr. Ricci said. “It’s really a win-win for us and you to perform here.”

Besides the pleasure of entertaining servicemembers across Europe, the hospitality they have received was also noted by the group.

“Every base we have been to either in Germany or the U.K, the people who hosted us have been the most friendly and great staff,” Ms. Thompson said.

The next scheduled Armed Forces Entertainment performance is Magician Rob Lake April 9 at 6 p.m. in the RAF Croughton Community Center.

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