Meet the Houston Texan cheerleader finalists: Twins galore and a mother of four
By Caroline Gallay
Houston Culturemap
The Houston Texans cheerleading squad may have said goodbye to twins Marisa and Larisa, but it may say hello to twins Kirsten and Kristen.
There are three sets of twins among the 50 finalists for the 2011 squad, including Texans cheerleading vets Dresdynn and Schuyler, the twin sister of Texans cheerleader vet Michelle and the aforementioned Kri(ir)stens.

All 50 finalists have video segements and bios up on KTRK Ch. 13’s website, and we’ve got to say that our favorite so far is Sharon.
A 39-year-old mother of four, Sharon designed her own outfit and even beatboxes her own dancing tune. Watch her video below and rate your favorite cheerleaders on KTRK to help finalize the 2011 squad.
The final 50 will perform at the Texans’ draft party on April 28.