Galactic Dancers: Open Training + Audition 2011/2012 in Frankfurt (Germany)

The Cheerleaders GALACTIC DANCERS are looking for new talents on Aug 14th 2011 Cheerleaders Audition in Frankfurt at Main.

The hottest cheerleaders team in Germany Frankfurt at Main the GALACTIC DANCERS are looking for new members. The GALACTIC DANCERS are well known from German TV Shows.

In order to meet the rising demand there will be a audition on Sunday Aug 14th 2011 in the Wintersporthalle in Frankfurt at Main. Cheerdance is to be considered as a professional sport with the focus on abilities to work in a team and the enjoy dancing. The minimum age of the candidates is 18. American dancers who work and live in Germany are welcome too. The Galactics speak English as well.

The candidates will be tested during the casting and they will have to learn and perform a specific choreography in a short period of time.

The VIP jury will cast the candidates.

The new GALACTIC DANCERS will be trained and led by the top choreographer Jasmin Felsenheim. Furthermore they will have professional photo shootings and performance at big sports events like the games of the table tennis league in Hanau and during the American Football Finals in the Commerzbank arena in Frankfurt am Main.

Date: Aug 14th 2011, 10 a.m.
Location: Wintersporthalle, Street: Otto Fleck Schneise Frankfurt at Main
Berkersheimer Weg 58, 60433 Frankfurt
Tel.: 0163 / 466 3852 Fax: 069 / 509 528 103 9

If You would like to apply for this casting and become one of the GALACTIC DANCERS
It is necessary to apply in advance on the website
or just call the following number:
Germany +49(0)0163 / 466 3852.
In case of questions don´t hesitate to contact us.

Jasmin Felsenheim
Dance Team Director

About the Author

Michael Fischer, European Correspondent