Ultimate Cheerleaders

Beeson makes Kings dance team

2011 West Valley grad top onlilne vote getter
By Maghan Hunt
The Anderson Valley Post
October 4, 2011

After receiving 3,817 votes and finishing the online voting in first place, Cottonwood resident Megan Beeson, 17, has made the Sacramento Kings dance team.

“I can’t explain how amazing it feels to have accomplished such a big goal; I get to do something I’m absolutely in love with for my job,” said Megan Beeson, a 2011 West Valley graduate.

“Not many can say that they are in love with what they do, and love going to work every day, but I can.”

According to Beeson, she is most looking forward to the performing aspect of being on the team, but said she also appreciated the opportunity to become a family and make life-long friends with the other dancers as well.

“We’re only a few weeks in and already have such a great bond,” explained Beeson.

Beeson said she will have a spot on the dance team until next season’s auditions roll around sometime in June or July.

“What’s scary about that is veterans do not get a set spot back on the team every year, so we start at the bottom just like everyone else and have to work just as hard,” responded Beeson.

Another big part of Beeson’s job, and one that she is excited about, is traveling.

“I couldn’t be more excited about the traveling for the team. The dancers do not go to any away games, but we do travel for appearances, photo shoots and competitions,” Beeson said. “I love traveling, so it is going to be such an amazing adventure to see where us dancers go this year.”

Beeson said what she wants to take away from this experience is not only the family aspect, but also the people she gets to meet, places she gets to travel and the feeling of accomplishment after achieving a goal.

“I can’t thank everyone enough for all the support I have gotten along the way,” said Beeson. “I truly am so blessed to come from such an amazing town with such amazing people.”

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