Ultimate Cheerleaders

Step right up and get your “I survived DCC training camp 2012” t-shirt

Note: the photo of Collin has been corrected. My bad!

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5 thoughts on "Step right up and get your “I survived DCC training camp 2012” t-shirt"

  1. Lynn says:

    That is the wrong picture above Collins name. This is Collin https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10150810808886035&set=a.10150810778096035.399770.181648811034&type=3&theater

    The picture yall have is Hannah who I dont believe even made it into training camp.

    Sorry just a huge supporter of Collin.

  2. Sasha says:

    Fixed! Thanks

  3. Lora Roberts says:

    Wasn’t Jasmine a former member of the New York Jets Flight Crew?

  4. Lynn says:

    Thanks! 🙂 I’m a huge fan of the DCC and Collin is from the same state I am so I’m really happy she made the squad 🙂

  5. Lora, Jasmine and Danielle both were on the Flight Crew. Very proud of both of them!!!

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